All-Star Trends You Want To See Die For Next Season

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Adults encouraging kids to behave bratty on social media when they don't win.

Suzy posted that salty meme but there is no reason for as the parent/coach/adult to share/retweet/etc. You should be setting the example.

This. I don't understand. I know you have put a lot of work, motivation and/or money into kiddo getting first place trophy. But please take a second to think about, how that makes you look and what it teaches not only bratty suzy, but also her teammates. If Suzys Mom, coach or dentist is sharing it, it should be okay.
About buns...
Some mini aged kids' arms aren't long enough to keep their natural ponytails from hitting the mat when they tumble. Once, one of our gym's mini teams was given a tumbling deduction at a comp for every time a kid's hair touched the mat. The coach had them do buns the next day for this reason.

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That is just not cool!
We got a .25 deduction because one of our girls' ponytails touched the ground during a side aerial at US Finals.
Anybody use the locked down skirts by rebel?
My CP has the Rebel locked skirt for their day 2 uni & it is great. Doesn't ride up or flip up or bunch up around their waist. I honestly think it is great. My daughter still prefers shorts but she just likes the way they feel better than a skirt.
As much as I hate to say this and it'll probably get me a lot of stick, the thing that I want to die out is the way in which the cheer industry is headed. I feel like its turning into a monopoly culture of ring chasing, gym hopping, mega gym expansions and has been cheerlebrities trying to stay relevant by pushing products down our throats. Things just seem to be getting crazier with uniforms and routine trends too and every time I think a line has been crossed, the line just gets pushed further away. Call me stuck in the past, but I feel like the sport that I love is morphing into an ugly monster of things that I detest and in a way I'm glad that this is my final year in Allstar because I'm not going to see what happens in the future. I'm also so sick of the "push through the injury" and "Suzie" mentality that has taken over because in reality stuff like that can be dangerous for kids if they further stress unhealed injuries or throw skills they aren't capable of. Maybe this is just coming from a place saying that it's time I step back from the industry, but I guess I just wanted to throw in my cents worth.
Im sure this is an unpopular opinion, but fetus flyers on senior teams need to go. I would love the min age to be 14. Long lean lines on normal sized kids look so great, in my opinion. Body positions used to look so gorgeous in the air on senior teams! Not that they don't look good now, it's just...I don't know. Plus, what happens when these kids get to college and need to coed stunt? Bases aren't used to normal sized flyers and all normal sized flyers 'sized out' by the time they were 14 and have spent the last 4 years basing. It's not like college teams can bring in 12 year olds to fly. Anyway, again, Im sure its an unpopular opinion, but I digress...
Tina Hammersmith'so neurotic sidekick in Bring It On Again... don't worry, it was 2004 lol.
I saw Bring It On All or Nothing was on Netflix last night. I almost watched it. Instead watched some B movie shot documentary style about bullying. Hours I'll never get back.
I saw Bring It On All or Nothing was on Netflix last night. I almost watched it. Instead watched some B movie shot documentary style about bullying. Hours I'll never get back.
All or Nothing was über corny to me... the krumping was so unnecessary, but I loved the shabooyah parts lol. Winnie needs to be smacked upside the head with a clipboard lol, she annoyed me so much.
All or Nothing was über corny to me... the krumping was so unnecessary, but I loved the shabooyah parts lol. Winnie needs to be smacked upside the head with a clipboard lol, she annoyed me so much.
I went to a Zumba class and I'm pretty sure one of the other ladies in my class took krumping as her inspiration to Zumba.
I went to a Zumba class and I'm pretty sure one of the other ladies in my class took krumping as her inspiration to Zumba.
It's super difficult and amazing to watch... but looked awkward in combination with cheer.
Im sure this is an unpopular opinion, but fetus flyers on senior teams need to go. I would love the min age to be 14. Long lean lines on normal sized kids look so great, in my opinion. Body positions used to look so gorgeous in the air on senior teams! Not that they don't look good now, it's just...I don't know. Plus, what happens when these kids get to college and need to coed stunt? Bases aren't used to normal sized flyers and all normal sized flyers 'sized out' by the time they were 14 and have spent the last 4 years basing. It's not like college teams can bring in 12 year olds to fly. Anyway, again, Im sure its an unpopular opinion, but I digress...
I think it looks weird when everyone else on the team is older teenagers who are adult sized and then there's some teeny tiny girls mixed in. They look like little midgets. I have seen senior teams that are all younger girls that look good though.

In general I think there's almost like a race for people to get their kids into the higher age divisions and it's confusing to me since levels are the same regardless of age. I guess everyone wants that ring or whatever.
As much as I hate to say this and it'll probably get me a lot of stick, the thing that I want to die out is the way in which the cheer industry is headed. I feel like its turning into a monopoly culture of ring chasing, gym hopping, mega gym expansions and has been cheerlebrities trying to stay relevant by pushing products down our throats. Things just seem to be getting crazier with uniforms and routine trends too and every time I think a line has been crossed, the line just gets pushed further away. Call me stuck in the past, but I feel like the sport that I love is morphing into an ugly monster of things that I detest and in a way I'm glad that this is my final year in Allstar because I'm not going to see what happens in the future. I'm also so sick of the "push through the injury" and "Suzie" mentality that has taken over because in reality stuff like that can be dangerous for kids if they further stress unhealed injuries or throw skills they aren't capable of. Maybe this is just coming from a place saying that it's time I step back from the industry, but I guess I just wanted to throw in my cents worth.
This can't get enough shimmies.

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