All-Star Tumbling Help?

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Jul 29, 2010
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Everytime I think about doing a full on floor by myslef it seems so easy until I go to do it and I end up going to work on them on the tumbletrack insted. My coach told me a while ago that there was really nothing more than he could do for me spotting wise but doing them by myslef freaks me out because I've known girls have had solid fulls blow their kness out doing them. I used to throw them by myself (like more than a year ago) but I only made it all the way around a few times. How do I stop freaking out and just do it? Any tips are appericiated(:
1st of all if you are blowing out your knees it is not a solid full, legs are most likely cross in the opposite direction that they are twisting usually followed by a bad landing.

Lay outs are hard, fulls are easy. Go back and work on your lay out and half and gain so confidence. Also get off the tumble track and get back on to the floor.
Have some faith in yourself if your coach is telling you that there isn't much he can do for you spotting-wise then he is basically saying that he believes you can do it with no problem. Have confidence in yourself and in your tumbling all you can do is try it by yourself and heck if you fall you just get back up again and learn from your mistakes and you will become even better at your fulls!! Fulls are friends not fears!
1st of all if you are blowing out your knees it is not a solid full, legs are most likely cross in the opposite direction that they are twisting usually followed by a bad landing.

Lay outs are hard, fulls are easy. Go back and work on your lay out and half and gain so confidence. Also get off the tumble track and get back on to the floor.

Haha my layout is fine and maybe fulls are easy for you but they aren't easy for everyone (myself included). And I use a mat on the tumbletrack to gain confience with it.
DONT go from the tumble track to the floor. Everytime i've done that, my tumbling on the floor has been really bad. Going from really bouncy to harder floor is really hard for someone. Start right on the floor! Good Luck!
Haha my layout is fine and maybe fulls are easy for you but they aren't easy for everyone (myself included). And I use a mat on the tumbletrack to gain confience with it.

Mat on the tumbletrack is a big help. Have you tried doing your full from the floor onto a 4-6 inch crash mat? I think sometimes it helps people get their confidence.
Haha my layout is fine and maybe fulls are easy for you but they aren't easy for everyone (myself included). And I use a mat on the tumbletrack to gain confience with it.

15 years of coaching both gymnastics and cheerleading tell me that any person that has a solid layout can learn a full quite easily.

The lay out is missing is cheerleading. Anyone can twist, its maintaining a layout and pulling it through twisting that is hard . . . not the twist. Part of the problem is most cheer tumbling coaches skip teaching a half. If you know how to land a half, if your full does not make it all the way around you will be okay because you know how to land a half. It take the fear out and worry out of wondering if your going to land and if you will hurt yourself. This is why progressions are important.

In regards to the tumble trak it is a tool that is good for repetition of skills with low impact on the body. It should be used while still doing repetition of the floor. The tumble trak launches an athlete into the air under the power of the springs on the tumble trak. It also allows for a lot of bad habits to develop if you are not constantly correcting form. You need to tumble on the floor to insure that you are generating enough power and lift to complete your skill on the floor. This can not be developed on the TT.
I have never ever had a spot on a full. I learned a half into the pit and then kept pulling it. Same with doubles...I learned a one and a half and then pulled more. But you just have to make yourself do it once! After that its not so scary. Whenever I do something new I just have to get that first one over with.

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