All-Star Us Finals Virginia Beach

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We really enjoyed ourselves. Only downfall was the tattoos for the cheerleaders. They ran out so our athletes did not have them. We got so much hassle from 1 lady in particular saying since our athletes did not have the tattoos- she was not letting them through. They were in full uniform. We had to go through several people to fix this but never got it truly settled. Anyone else have this issue?
We really enjoyed ourselves. Only downfall was the tattoos for the cheerleaders. They ran out so our athletes did not have them. We got so much hassle from 1 lady in particular saying since our athletes did not have the tattoos- she was not letting them through. They were in full uniform. We had to go through several people to fix this but never got it truly settled. Anyone else have this issue?

YES. Older CP wasn't competing until after 5 in the evening but we were there at 8:30 AM to get her younger sister checked in for her performance time, and older CP was in full uniform, hair etc. It was quite obvious that she was an athlete. Younger CP's coach only had tattoos on hand for the kids on that team, no extras available for siblings and all the other coaches, gym owner etc were already backstage with our tinys who were about to go on so there was no one available to give us a tattoo for older CP - they would not let her in and I'm thinking, do I really have to buy a ticket for this kid to be able to go in and see one of our teams compete?

We did end up getting one for her just in the nick of time but it was pretty annoying to have that whole runaround. I guess the idea of the tattoos is good - especially for the younger kids, you don't have to worry about them losing a credential lanyard or what have you - but kind of a pain.

No jackets, ran out of tattoos, awarded bids and then couldn't accept registrations from those teams, awards running crazy late, winners in Providence apparently ended up with the "overall US champion" banners that were actually supposed to be for the winners of that champions challenge thingie... lots of logistic issues I guess!
Yes, seems like there were quite a few issues. They tried to tell us it was our fault we didn't receive our tattoos. Like what?!? Our owners went Friday night to pick them up and they were already out. If you let in 750 teams you should be prepared to have that many tattoos or whatever you will use to designate the athletes. I didn't understand why they just wouldn't stamp their hard like they did for everyone else...
@bdove That lady have us a load of poop too. I walked in with a girl who competed 15 minutes before and Little who didn't compete until 11 hours later and looked at the woman like she was nuts.
Proceeded to keep right on walking into Hall D.
@bdove That lady have us a load of poop too. I walked in with a girl who competed 15 minutes before and Little who didn't compete until 11 hours later and looked at the woman like she was nuts.
Proceeded to keep right on walking into Hall D.
Maybe they were worn out by Saturday? We didn't have any problems, but neither of my daughter's teams got the tattoos.
I have to say them being out of jackets was a major buzzkill .... Especially being THE last comp of the year and the last comp period for some. :(

They didn't run out of jackets, they weren't delivered. The delivery date was pushed back because of weather. The postal service didn't understand how detrimental pushing deliverary back a day or two meant for that shipment i guess. It was sad, no jacket pics on the beach, but the coaches all knew before the competition started so it was no surprise to anyone. And I have faith that we will get them rather quickly (since they know how huge of a mess up that was)

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No one asked us for a tattoo the entire weekend. I gave my kids tattoos and told them to keep them just in case but they didn't have to wear them they were never questioned.
@bdove That lady have us a load of poop too. I walked in with a girl who competed 15 minutes before and Little who didn't compete until 11 hours later and looked at the woman like she was nuts.
Proceeded to keep right on walking into Hall D.
I have pros and cons about US Finals:

1. Jam Scoring-particularly in my area there are very few varsity comps and a million jam comps, most teams are jam specific and would prefer for their major national not to be on a different score sheet. Now if universal scoring happens.... Watch out us finals
2. Location- the weather is usually nice, and the kids love being able to walk the beach and see teams practicing, there is always a lot to do and you can pretty much walk everywhere

1. Venue- this competition has outgrown the VBCC it has the same number of teams as cheersport and the venue s about 10 times smaller, you do the math
2. The one day format- I don't think it's fair to crown a national champion based on one day, if we are truly trying to determine the best of the best the should get two shots to hit a routine
3. Multiple locations-it lost its prestige as the "final destination" when they hosted 7 of them (my opinion)
4. Bid process-just bad! They need to adopt a paid or unpaid structure, like worlds and only award one bid per team! My team only competed at bid competitions this year so we technically had 9 bids to the US Finals.
I just talked to DH about US Finals and told him the same thing, US final has become as large as Cheer sport. VBCC is not large enough to accommodate. When you as a venue have to hire a private security company, outside event staffing, local police on top of your employees for an event.

My CP wanted to go on Sat to watch teams from our gym and old gym and I was worried, am I going to have to go postal on someone if she is dressed in her uniform with out tattoo?!? Had this issue last year..Thank God DH was there and was working and I let him handle those crazy folks. Thankfully there were no issue and she walked right in with no problems.

The stamps they were giving for spectator where so light you could barely see it. One of my family members got questioned if she paid or not because the stamp was so light you could barely see it.
The stamps they were giving for spectator where so light you could barely see it. One of my family members got questioned if she paid or not because the stamp was so light you could barely see it.
Before beach time I took a selfie of my wrist with my face. And I spoke with security guy "Aaron" and told him I was going to the beach, so the stamp would probably disappear. He said it was ok and that if it wore off, he'd vouch for me.
By the time I walked back in at 6:30 nobody was checking for stamps at all.
Yes, seems like there were quite a few issues. They tried to tell us it was our fault we didn't receive our tattoos. Like what?!? Our owners went Friday night to pick them up and they were already out. If you let in 750 teams you should be prepared to have that many tattoos or whatever you will use to designate the athletes. I didn't understand why they just wouldn't stamp their hard like they did for everyone else...

I had the same issue. I was there friday night ,right after i had competed and she refused to let us back in when my team was clearly in uniform
I have to say them being out of jackets was a major buzzkill .... Especially being THE last comp of the year and the last comp period for some. :(

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I shimmy this! For all this money we paid and not get jackets at the event.......

I know that the tornados halted things but tell me how providence got theirs. Why didn't they get shipped with all of the other finals stuff to va beach. No one may ever know :(

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And no medals for 1,2,3rd place? That was really lame. To look forward to this all year, bust your butts, hit your routine, and then walk away with nothing special for yourself? Yes, the gym has the banner and trophy, and everyone got the participants medal, but still...

Didnt they give out backpacks to first place winners or was that the participant gift

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Didnt they give out backpacks to first place winners or was that the participant gift

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Backpacks were from Reach the Beach for winners. Participant gift was a beach towel. For US Finals, winners received jackest and participants got US Finals medals.
Backpacks were from Reach the Beach for winners. Participant gift was a beach towel. For US Finals, winners received jackest and participants got US Finals medals.

That's weird. I know we're getting jackets but we also got these drawstring backpacks

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