Some of this stuff wasn't even on the voting slate, which I find interesting. General thoughts:
Supports, braces and soft casts which are unaltered from the manufacturer’s original design/production do not require any additional padding. Supports/braces and soft casts that have been altered from the manufacturer’s original design/production must be padded with a closed-cell, slow-recovery foam padding no less than one-half inch thick if the participant is involved in stunts, pyramids or tosses. A participant wearing a plaster cast or a walking boot must not be involved in stunts, pyramids, tumbling or tosses. --That's super specific wording, but I get it.
They got VERY specific with the wording on music lengths. Movement, note, voice, sound, song, whatever it is, starts and ends it. Does that mean those setup chants will be included?
Weren't you allowed to BWO out of a stunt in level 2? That's been removed now, hasn't it?
Um- USASF you took away Youth single based/assisted single based stunts, but you left in double cupies? :confused: Am I the only one for whom that doesn't make sense?
Looks like they didn't restrict the number of tricks in Senior 5 baskets after all.