So, here was my list of suggested improvements from earlier. Are there ones on here that people don't agree with? Are there other improvements that could be made?
- No conglomerate/company/gym/person should have permanent board seats.
- No conglomerate/company/gym/person should have a permanent executive position.
- There should be free and open elections for all positions of power in an independent governing body.
- The financials of the organization should be absolutely public. (A 5-6 line "summary" does NOT count.)
- The financials of the organization should be done by an independent, outside accounting firm. (EDIT: The accounting firm should have the ability to redact limited salary information at THEIR discretion.)
- The votes of the Board should be public.
- There should be term limits for all elected/appointed officials.
- Nominations and appointments should be based on merit, not seniority, friendships, "loyalty", or quid pro quo.
- Board seats belong to the public, not to companies. (If a Cheer Athletics person resigns their seat on the board, then Cheer Athletics doesn't get to appoint the replacement. The replacement is decided by the same process that elected that seat in the first place.)
- There should be a much more fair and representative distribution of board seats. suggestion - 1/3 EP, 1/3 coaches-gym owners, 1/3 "other". (Industry vendors, media, judges, neutral outside party, etc.)
- Worlds must be moved to an adequate venue ASAP. Sub-contracting out the event deserves strong consideration.
- No single conglomerate should control/occupy more than 3 total seats on the board.
- Coach board seats should have regional representation. Nominations/Voting for those seats should be a completely open process.
- The USASF should control all of the intellectual property of Worlds.
- The USASF should not control what events athletes/gyms/judges/coaches can go to. If Worlds can't compete with other "World Championships", then make Worlds better. Don't threaten people with being banned from Worlds because your event can't compete on it's own merit.
- Event Producers should be allowed to host bid-giving events wherever and whenever they choose (up to the number of bids they are qualified.) Protectionism for certain events and event producers is not acceptable. If those events can't compete with other events, then they should make their event better. Don't threaten event producers with being banned from USASF to help certain EPs.
- Judge education/training, standardized scoring, coaches training, gym owner business training all need to be moved up the priority list.
- Controlling the uniforms, tumbling rule decisions outside of the NACCC/Rules Committee, PR & focus groups, and the amount hugging/excitement allowed after performances should be moved off of the priority list.
I would add:
19. USASF offices and employees should be free from Varsity (or any other private company's) control. Any non-compete clause should be allowed to expire at it's normal rate. (If you have a Varsity non-compete for 2 years after cessation of employment, your time at USASF doesn't count as time at "Varsity" time.)
20. Bills/proposals/etc that get voted on by the board are made public prior to their vote. The secrecy that pervades the process is damaging to the legitimacy of the USASF and completely unnecessary. If a board member doesn't have the strength to vote for something and stand behind it publicly, then they either shouldn't be a board member or shouldn't be voting in a way they are ashamed of. (I am willing to stand behind and defend ALL of my votes if they want to make those public.) A VERY LIMITED amount of discretion regarding financially sensitive information should be allowed for. This power should rarely be used and only allowed when signed off on by the independent accounting firm. (see #5)
21. The entire contract with Disney should be made public. Any extension of this contract should be made with the full knowledge, oversight, and approval of the board. Any side deals, kickbacks, or collusion with other Disney contracts should be made available to the entire membership of the board.
22. Any board member or full-time USASF employee should be required to disclose any and all ownership in cheer-related businesses and all cheer-related business with which they are partnered/under contract for/have potential conflict of interest with. Also, all ownership interest of their employers must be revealed. (If you are a CheerSport employee, then the exact nature of CheerSport's ownership should be public information.)
Feel free to make other suggestions.