I don't have an issue with Varsity being the industry leader. All industries have leaders, sometimes leaders by wide margins.
I think the fundamental issue with the USASF is not entirely the fact that it's indebted to Varsity or that too much of its board is controlled by Varsity. It's the fact that there's too much corporate influence, period.
The USASF should be the governing body for the sport of all-star cheer in the United States. It should not be some weird mishmash of governing body and industry group. It shouldn't have more event producer representation than athlete/coach representation. If event producers want their own organization, great. If industry vendors want their own organization, great. But they should exert minimal influence on the body that governs the actual competitive aspects (rules, judging, etc.) of the sport.
The USASF should certify coaches, train and assess judges, determine the rules and sanction competitions. If you're telling me a uniform maker, a shoe company or even an event producer needs to be directly involved in those decisions - then sorry, I just don't buy it. They can be informed of those decisions, they can be advisors with regards to those decisions, but the ultimate decision should be independent of them.