All-Star Usasf Major Changes

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7 of 13 seats on the USASF Board of Directors are held by Varsity, Jammy, and Cheersport. If these EPs agreed on anything they could vote it in because they have the majority. Elaine, Happy, Mac, and BlueCat could have all voted against it and it still would have passed if the EPs stood together.

So Elaine could have been completely against the idea of the rules changing, but since the BOD has an agreement not to publicly comment on votes she can't come out and say that.
7 of 13 seats on the USASF Board of Directors are held by Varsity, Jammy, and Cheersport. If these EPs agreed on anything they could vote it in because they have the majority. Elaine, Happy, Mac, and BlueCat could have all voted against it and it still would have passed if the EPs stood together.

So Elaine could have been completely against the idea of the rules changing, but since the BOD has an agreement not to publicly comment on votes she can't come out and say that.

Then why support it on your web page!!! And publicly support it. Correct me if wrong, but thought she came out in support.
I think she meant that Elaine is a member of both the NACCC and the Board of Directors. So essentially, she is helping come up with a proposal to repreal/edit the rules she helped come up with that "blindsided" her.

I bleed gold and love everything Elaine has helped do for the industry, but even I agree it is a bit of a contradiction to be on committees/boards on both sides of this.

Happens all the time in the business world. She is only one individual that house many other members on the committee/board. I am sure she as well as others can/have to be objective.

People need to remember the rules affect her gym as well. I am sure what ever the side of the isle she was on she did not take it lightly.
7 of 13 seats on the USASF Board of Directors are held by Varsity, Jammy, and Cheersport. If these EPs agreed on anything they could vote it in because they have the majority. Elaine, Happy, Mac, and BlueCat could have all voted against it and it still would have passed if the EPs stood together.

So Elaine could have been completely against the idea of the rules changing, but since the BOD has an agreement not to publicly comment on votes she can't come out and say that.

I understood that but then why come out publically in support of it. If I were on the board and didn't agree I wouldn't make a statement for or against it. From what I can see Elaine is the one member of the board who's gym has come out in support of these new rules. If Elain didn't agree then I would assume the gym wouldn't have announced their support.
A total of 79 fall-related injuries were reported during the 1-year period. Most occurred during practice (85%, 67/79) and were sustained by high school cheerleaders (51%, 40/79). A stunt or pyramid was being attempted in 89% (70/79) of cases. Fall heights ranged from 1 to 11 ft (0.30–3.35 m) (mean
4.7 ± 2.0 ft [1.43 ± 0.61 m]). Strains and sprains were the most common injuries (54%, 43/79), and 6% (5/79) of the injuries were concussions or closed head injuries. Of the 15 most serious injuries (concussions or closed head injuries, dislocations, fractures, and anterior cruciate ligament tears), 87% (13/15) were sustained while the cheerleader was performing on artificial turf, grass, a traditional foam floor, or a wood floor. The fall height ranged from 4 to 11 ft (1.22–1.52 m) for 87% of these cases (13/15).

this is interesting... where did these stats come from?
I understood that but then why come out publically in support of it. If I were on the board and didn't agree I wouldn't make a statement for or against it. From what I can see Elaine is the one member of the board who's gym has come out in support of these new rules. If Elain didn't agree then I would assume the gym wouldn't have announced their support.

I didn't see anything officially in writing by the gym or Elaine. Nothing on their website.
I would also like to add that I feel that the new 50%+1 rule is insane too. If that goes into place, what gives ANY gym any incentive to put more than 11 kids on a small team with the maximum skill allowed? If you score the SAME as a team with 20...why bother? I think full squad skills are amazing to watch and should be ENCOURAGED...not made to be irrelevant. SIGH :oops:
Someone said it earlier - level the playing field and you to with a marginal level 5 team can go to Worlds.
Then why support it on your web page!!! And publicly support it. Correct me if wrong, but thought she came out in support.

I don't know if she supports it or not or if she has put anything on her website regarding it. I was pointing out that being on 2 Boards that apparently have different opinions of the changes isn't necessarily as contradictory as has been implied.
I understood that but then why come out publically in support of it. If I were on the board and didn't agree I wouldn't make a statement for or against it. From what I can see Elaine is the one member of the board who's gym has come out in support of these new rules. If Elain didn't agree then I would assume the gym wouldn't have announced their support.

I can't speak for Elaine or claim to know what her or World Cup is thinking. I can say it's the norm to support an organization's decision once that decision has been made as a show of support for the organization, even if you disagree with this specific item.
I can't speak for Elaine or claim to know what her or World Cup is thinking. I can say it's the norm to support an organization's decision once that decision has been made as a show of support for the organization, even if you disagree with this specific item.

I have no problem with someone supporting the rule changes. But you put out statement then saying we may not agree with all the rules but we support them and are continuing to look for ways to improve the sport. But by supporting in a blanket statement, you make it look like you support entire statement and that includes the comments about behavior. And yes it if huge conflict of interest to be on both boards.
Yeah Something ahout a member being on the board as well as the NACCC at a time like this just seems a little off. She clearly helped come up with these rules, she is on the Board, but now she is helping come up with proposals that she will also have a part in approving. It doesn't sit well with me at all.
I love World Cup (I may be an F5 fan but Stars are a close second and I live for Ody) so me thinking this is wrong has nothing to do with the gym at all.
The chairman of the NACCC board (Elaine) has a permanent seat on the USASF Board of directors. The other 3 coach seats will rotate. BlueCat is the next coach that will rotate off of the USASF board.

Also, as Andre stated above, it's common for someone to agree with a ruling as a show of support for a decision.
That is fine, but like I said to ME it doesn't sit well that someone who is on the board is also serving on the NACCC when something like this happens. We will have to agree to disagree because to me it doesn't sit well. If she helps the NACCC come up with new propsals then she should not get a vote in the Board.

The only blindeside in it all is the fact that no one other then the board of directors and Inside Cheerleading magazine knew it was going to be released.
Do you think that kids sometime just get comfortable wearing the brace? I have seen some kids wear an ankle brace for an entire season. I highly doubt that their doctor said it needed to be worn for 10 month for that rolled ankle. I think counting braces is not the same thing as counting recent injuries..

Definitely, I kind of hate to admit it, but this was me! Basing hurt my wrists so bad but one day I decided a brace was too much to fiddle with during a game (I had to switch which wrist it would be on too) so I just stopped and it wasn't so bad. In the long run, I wish I would've built up stronger muscle/tendons (?) in my wrists.
I have no problem with someone supporting the rule changes. But you put out statement then saying we may not agree with all the rules but we support them and are continuing to look for ways to improve the sport. But by supporting in a blanket statement, you make it look like you support entire statement and that includes the comments about behavior. And yes it if huge conflict of interest to be on both boards.

Where did she post this blanket statement you are refering to? I have not seen anything on the web site or have I herd her mak any mention of it.

The place she holds on the board is not a conflict as you think. The coaches are there for balance to try and keep this from happening.
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What teams are you most excited to see? Weber has become one of my favorites! Their stunting and tumbling skills are incredible!
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