Pretty simple actually, whoever is responsible for varifying that these athletes are released would have an appeal form they would review. If need be they could contact the gym in question, deny/accept. I don't see that this happens so often that you need to hire a seperate department to handle this kind of thing but I feel that this is important enough to be considered. As much as I agree, as I previously said with this rule bc I hate seeing a team being screwed, I feel equally as bad for a parent/child being put in a bad situation. I feel that this rule is completely one-sided. Yes, I know that you can't please everyone but my recommendation takes little extra time. The rule still deturs parents/athletes from leaving but in an EXTREME case, there is an option. My suggestion SHOULDN'T cost any more money, maybe an extra 5/10 minutes a week btw the months of Nov-April by the same person responsible for keeping track of the releases that DO get signed.