Since there are two of these and going two different directions, I get to voice twice as many opinions, HUZZAH!
USASF- you wanna make more money? Bring. Back. THE REC. Make rec divisions more of the fun track but still working/learning/competing, and make allstar the still fun but a bit more competitive track. In EVERY sport I've done, there are not only different levels, but different levels of competition. I did comp gymnastics at YMCA, as opposed to a place like WOGA. My volleyball had different allstar levels based on skill/time commitment. Different AAU basketball teams were based on skill/commitment, soccer teams were different, etc. I think as many kids find that 'pressure' (which is what highly competitive people like myself called 'drive':p) to be too much, as many kids TOTALLY dig that push for new, more, better, stronger, etc. THOSE are the kids making it to the upper tiers. Those are your Maddie Gardners, your Kelsey Rules, your Kiaras, your Holdens, you Bucky and Tyes.