All-Star Varsity - "the Summit"

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I think Varsity should survey how many teams really want to add a "end of the season overall championship." To be honest, winning All Levels or US Finals doesn't carry as much as weight as winning NCA, Cheersport, UCA or Jamfest Supernationals. Just think they should focus on events that are currently working.

I agree. As a parent, if we were to add a travel competition, I would rather go to one of those over the summit.
I think Varsity should survey how many teams really want to add a "end of the season overall championship." To be honest, winning All Levels or US Finals doesn't carry as much as weight as winning NCA, Cheersport, UCA or Jamfest Supernationals. Just think they should focus on events that are currently working.

they already did. They had a focus group.

Probably a similar group to the coaches, athletes, and parents involved in the rules decisions. Oops-that last statement was sarcasm
It was a competition that was announced at the gym owners conference in Vegas this past weekend. It is basically an "levels 1-4 worlds". They are doing it the weekend after Worlds so that the lower level teams will get the exact same experience as those kids on the level 5 teams. It is an event that you to qualify for just like regular Worlds. I believe they are taking 400 teams the first year - 250 full paids and 150 partials (don't quote me on the exact numbers though) and I think there are only a handful of qualifying competitions.
Sounds kinda cool...
I agree. As a parent, if we were to add a travel competition, I would rather go to one of those over the summit.
I would LOVE to go to NCA. That's one we haven't been to yet, but I would jump at the chance and I see it as far more prestigious than anything the summit might claim to be.
Another way to look at it - what if you put this on your schedule as your big travel comp. & you don't end up getting a bid......
Another way to look at it - what if you put this on your schedule as your big travel comp. & you don't end up getting a bid......
Maybe schedule it as a tentative competition? That way, even if you do get a bid, you could decide at that point what the team/athletes/parents would prefer to do. The gym I was at had Final Destination (it sounds so weird to say that now that it's US Finals) as the last competition of the season, but we still went to all the regular ones we would have anyway. Then we discussed as a team if we wanted to travel to Final Destination because it would have involved extra expenses (and we ended up not going in 2008 because girls didn't want to miss their proms).
I'm pretty sure it was RockStar. Just calling a spade a spade and putting it out there, I'm indifferent on the issue.

It was actually two gyms, one in Small Junior 2 and the other in Large Junior 2.
For me the dead give away is when your point jumper backsteps into her "single" backhandspring..if she's taking 3 steps back into it, she has more than a BHS...just saying.
After reading this thread I think I've come up on a decision.I'm not a huge supporter of this.

Think about worlds. Strictly level 5 teams with a few level 6, 10 divisions (correct me if i'm wrong), tons of teams who quite frankly shouldn't have been there, and it was so overcrowded that awards was on a baseball field with staffers running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Can you imagine 450 teams of all different levels, ages, divisions, running around Disney? I think they should focus on perfecting worlds before going off and making the exact same competition at the exact same location.

I would like this better if it wasn't the equivalence of Worlds. I always wanted one big ending competition for the lower levels, but this is not it. Should the Olympics create another version of itself for those who aren't at the level to be at the actual big competition? No way.

On the other hand, I like this idea. I just think it needs to be thought out a little bit more.
After reading this thread I think I've come up on a decision.I'm not a huge supporter of this.

Think about worlds. Strictly level 5 teams with a few level 6, 10 divisions (correct me if i'm wrong), tons of teams who quite frankly shouldn't have been there, and it was so overcrowded that awards was on a baseball field with staffers running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Can you imagine 450 teams of all different levels, ages, divisions, running around Disney? I think they should focus on perfecting worlds before going off and making the exact same competition at the exact same location.

I would like this better if it wasn't the equivalence of Worlds. I always wanted one big ending competition for the lower levels, but this is not it. Should the Olympics create another version of itself for those who aren't at the level to be at the actual big competition? No way.

On the other hand, I like this idea. I just think it needs to be thought out a little bit more.

It could actually draw some of the "teams who shouldn't be there" away from worlds.

For us its an easy drive, if we get a paid, we would probably consider it, however it is later in the season than we prefer to go
Wonder how this is gonna effect the other EPs that have events in Disney and Universal (Americheer being one)
Damn phone lol
What I was saying was ... Wonder how the smaller events by other EPs like Americheer, that have events there going to be affected?
I like the idea of the event. I'm never gonna be a level 5 athlete so I would love to get an experience like this but not in the way it currently seems to be presented.
I would put it in a different location and then also make it late march or early april, a few weeks before worlds at least. That way gyms that go to this and also have a worlds team can go to this but then go home and buckle down and focus on preparing their worlds team and not have to divide their energy between all of the other ages and levels.
Also crossovers shouldn't be allowed like worlds and worlds athletes shouldn't be allowed to compete.
Also the location is already turning people away so Varsity should look at that as a major flaw in their plan and definitely re-think where they want to put this event.

Maybe Varsity should just ask us fierce boarder what kind of event we want, because I feel that we all could design a pretty great event! :chestbump:
I think we need another USASF/Varsity event in the Milk house like we need a hole in our head! Can we please fix the out right embarrassment that is Worlds now before we do this!!!!!!! :banghead:
Not if you need one of those nationals in order to get a bid. Unless you're lucky enough to live near one those are traveling least they are for our gym. Myrtle beach looked like the closest one to us (Charlotte) and UCA is one were planning to attend with just a few teams but that's in Disney....which is part of the problem. Depending where you are you might not have the flexibility to drop a traveling competition if your intent is to go to the summit. Or you're dropping something like cheersport and that's not a good trade to me. I'd rather go to cheersport and not attend the summit.
If you are from a club on the West coast you are totally sol