i feel like 450 teams in the milk house and jostens is just TOO MUCH. maybe keep it at 100-150, and then it could be WAY more organized and i little more exclusive. lets face it, if you're giving away 450 bids... each gym that is going for one is PROBABLY going to get one. i like the idea, and it could work.... just less teams... and honestly i don't like the idea of ANOTHER comp at disney. Some girls do high school, so there would be UCA HS nationals, some all-star teams do UCA all-star nationals, then theres worlds, and then this one? if you have 2 children, one being a worlds athlete, and the other level 1-4, and say maybe one of them does high school, and UCA all-star nationals, and worlds... You're talking about 4 trips to disney world in one season, and i'm sure most parents would not be happy with that... JMO on the subject.