Here is the scoop! Keep in mind the other 2 day events & the number of bids are still tentative, but the competition is CONFIRMED to take place!
450 teams will receive bids to compete in ONE location
100-150 Partial-Paid Bids
300-350 At-Large Bids
Offered to Youth, Junior & Senior cheer teams in non-Worlds divisions
Innovative, Prestigious, Highly Competitive, “Worlds Caliber” Production
Varsity All Star Championship for All Levels
May 4-5, 2013
Orlando, FL
Varsity Brands will be selecting teams for bids at our existing World Bid events & at least 8 other highly competitive 2-day events
First five teams to receive Partial-Paid Bids to The Summit
2012 International All Levels – Grand Champions
Level 1- Pro Athletics
Level 2- Rockstar Cheer
Level 3- World Cup All Stars
Level 4- Spirit Explosion
Level 5- The California All Stars