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Actually MissBee you are only partially right. The poster who used the word trashy about the uniform, when I replied I implied she called the young ladies on IOC5 trashy. So on that one you are right and I am wrong. Feel better now?

And Yes 2 posters called the uniforms trashy and slutty which I find inappropriate verbiage.
Thats okay, my dad thinks ALL cheer uniforms are trashy and slutty. Which I guess they can be if the person wearing it is portraying that image. However, I do think it is kinda rude to point it if the person in acting like that and you point it out chances are you give them the satisfaction they wanted so probably better off just not saying anything.
If the words "trashy" and "slutty" are too harsh for this board then maybe there should be a filter for it. I find it very inappropriate to call someome those names on this board, but when talking about the uniform it is what it is and I did not see ANYONE disprespecting athletes when talking about those uniforms. If they didn't want the opinions of others they probably should not have ever put the uniforms on.
This goes with the term fetus as well, if people don't want it used filter it and it won't be a problem.

I understand the Admin on this board are going to do as they please, and I plan on follwing their rules, but going around and threatening people with a ban just makes the board look bad. There have been some harsh comments written about other teams and gyms on this board before but I have never seen an Admin just flat out threaten to ban them openly on a thread like I did this past weekend. Again do what you must as an Admin, but a lot of people are confused as to why this is such a problem when nothing horrible was done.
You can say you hate a uniform, hate a routine, hate the music BUT don't hate on the athlete.

This seems reasonable. My suspicion is with the traffic this board is getting, and it will continue to grow, banning people who make personally offensive statements about athletes or groups of athletes (ie, that TEAM looks slutty or trashy included) will not be a problem because they will not be missed. Ban them all and let God sort them out.
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If the words "trashy" and "slutty" are too harsh for this board then maybe there should be a filter for it. I find it very inappropriate to call someome those names on this board, but when talking about the uniform it is what it is and I did not see ANYONE disprespecting athletes when talking about those uniforms. If they didn't want the opinions of others they probably should not have ever put the uniforms on.
This goes with the term fetus as well, if people don't want it used filter it and it won't be a problem.

I understand the Admin on this board are going to do as they please, and I plan on follwing their rules, but going around and threatening people with a ban just makes the board look bad. There have been some harsh comments written about other teams and gyms on this board before but I have never seen an Admin just flat out threaten to ban them openly on a thread like I did this past weekend. Again do what you must as an Admin, but a lot of people are confused as to why this is such a problem when nothing horrible was done.[/fquote]

You and I will agree to disagree. It was disrespectful calling a 13 year old girl that word. In fact there was a thread during BUTBT when that word first came up and it was dealt with then. The word was pulled out of the thread and reworded. So this isn't the first time this word came up and about that same athlete.

Also referring to the uniform in that manner does disrespect the athletes who wear it.

In regards to other harsh comments written about other teams, we have just banned people without a warning. You may not notice it because the poster is gone before you know it. I warned people to not use that word again, it was not a threat, it was a warning.

If "people" are confused as to why this is such a problem, they are welcome to PM me.
threat,'s all semantics. The bottom line is that you are using your position as an admin to influence what is said about your team. I'm willing to bet, dollars to donuts, that if those words were used to describe another gym's uniforms nothing would have been said (which of course you'll deny).
Let me also point out that I am a HUGE fan of Victor and Kristen and the work they do (pushing the envelope with choreography, being innovative when it comes to stunts, and they have some of the most technically clean tumbling in the world). Not to mention, they are PHENOMENAL people, heaps of respect at their gym. That said, I'm not a fan of the new uniforms. I think they are a step back for all star cheerleading getting respected as a legitimate sport.

I went back and re-read the comments made about the Top Gun uniforms. I didn't seen anyone calling the girls on the team "slutty" or "trashy". I saw people commenting on the uniforms. I saw people say that "the uniform looked trashy" or that "the uniform looked slutty". No one said "oh, those TG girls are a bunch of sluts" or "Top Gun girls are trashy, look at what they're wearing". So please don't put words in people's mouths and accuse them of something they didn't say or intend.

The title of Admin does not give you free reign to ban, or threaten to ban, someone just because they have a different opinion from you. Had there been people specifically calling out someone in a disrespectful way in order to "bully" that person, or make fun of them, then of course that would be the apprpriate action.
......... i give major kudos to you, there is no way on greens earth i would have said that! kudos though kudos :)
lol i just have to share this when i read this my jaw dropped and i said dddddddddaaaaaa....... im sure you can imagine the ending :)
i do not like the topgun new unis. i wont say it i swear i wont but i dont like it, they mine as well be in there underwear. i did state that and someone said next year it will be string bikinis, not sure if any of that is offensive to anyone i sure hope not.
Can "posting 'hahahahahahah [insert team name here] fell to the ground!!! YESSSS!! woo-hoo!!!!!'" be added to this list. Although new, I read the Fierce board for quite some time before deciding to throw my hat into the ring. It worries me that there wasn't a "I will ban you!" for the above comment (unless I missed it), which was posted over the weekend. It was a blatant disrespect for an entire team of athletes.
Can "posting 'hahahahahahah [insert team name here] fell to the ground!!! YESSSS!! woo-hoo!!!!!'" be added to this list. Although new, I read the Fierce board for quite some time before deciding to throw my hat into the ring. It worries me that there wasn't a "I will ban you!" for the above comment (unless I missed it), which was posted over the weekend. It was a blatant disrespect for an entire team of athletes.

While that wasn't said, I believe there was general disapproval by all posters. I also apologized on behalf of ACE publicly and to several people individually.
acedad said:
While that wasn't said, I believe there was general disapproval by all posters. I also apologized on behalf of ACE publicly and to several people individually.
Sorry! Didn't mean to "throw salt in the wound".
Can "posting 'hahahahahahah [insert team name here] fell to the ground!!! YESSSS!! woo-hoo!!!!!'" be added to this list. Although new, I read the Fierce board for quite some time before deciding to throw my hat into the ring. It worries me that there wasn't a "I will ban you!" for the above comment (unless I missed it), which was posted over the weekend. It was a blatant disrespect for an entire team of athletes.

Many times people learn that their post is in poor taste by the public reaction to their comment. Sometimes people try to politely let them know what they said can be taken wrong, and other times people let them know in harsher terms.

Weezy gave a general warning because of the use of a derogatory term regarding a specific child. There we're also numerous other rude comments, but none using such harsh language to describe their point as wer used regarding the uniforms. The major unique aspect of the sport of cheerleading in my opinion is how positive it is in all aspects. Someone explain to me how defending either of those comments makes anything better?

As an experienced admin we might try to understand that she wanted to squash the use of these statements right away.
@MissBee you irritate me wherever you post because you're always trying to start an argument with your unnecessary comments. Weezy78 has a good point because no one should be using foul language here. If you can't express yourself in a mature, clean way then you should not be using this site. Also, it doesn't matter if he/she is from a certain gym and is mad about something that was said about them, he can rant and rave all day long about how angry they are about it. The fact is, they shouldn't have been using such language to do so. I expressed my dislike for you at the beginning of this post without using a single trash word. AND, he/she's an administrator, he/she can post whatever they want. Even if it's threatening to ban someone from the boards. So it doesn't matter if they are only posting because someone talked bad about their gym.
Gabby is "pocket sized" and after this weekend seeing her in person...she owns that floor. I find it funny that everyone comments on her but not on the other child the exact same size as her on the same team (open 5). As the mother of a small fry I hope that no one ever describes her as a "fetus".
The only issue I had with the "threatening" was that the person who did it, didn't say it themselves, she was copy and pasting a twitter feed. She also apologized profusely that she had missed the word when she pasted it. My opinion is, if it has come to the point that someone pm'd an admin because they were offended then it needs to be filtered. We have had less abrasive terms filtered in the past.

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