All-Star Weight Loss!

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My grandma is a health nut--she gets tons and tons and tons of information from Dr. Oz (and in turn, I have to read it, because i collect, re-type and combine them into one document for her...:rolleyes:).

She eats tons of vegetables, drinks soy milk, stays away from carbs and exercises regularly. She just turned 70 in May, and she looks younger and is healthier than most in their 50's.

Another thing to add--she just found out she's borderline diabetic and drastically cut sugars out of her diet as well. However, she really didn't eat much junk-y sugar. Most of her sugars came from eating fruit (she would eat a LOT of fruit, daily). Cutting her fruit intake out helped her drop pounds too. I could never cut fruit--I like it too much and being a college student, it's an easy, cheap snack for me to grab an apple, orange, grapes, etc. But if you eat a lot of it, maybe think about cutting that in half.
Insanity really is the answer to everything. I went from a 26'' waist to a 23'' waist, and 119lbs to 107lbs in just one month. Its intense but so worth it!
It's amazing! It's really opened my eyes to how I eat. I used to just count calories and not really take any of the other nutrion information into consideration and I'd always end up feeling sluggish and still hungry and it was hard to stay "good". Plus, poking around on the forums over there has been tremendously helpful and motivating. There's lots of good advice from people who have been very successful and are willing to share their story.
I went from an 18 to an 8 on nothing more than low fat calorie control, interval cardio and resistance every day...for about a year. Lost about 55. When I got promoted from an assistant I lost all that time to work out. I've since put 20 back on over the last 7 years and am in a 12...which drives me nuts.

I know what to do, I just have a hard time with cheer momming, grad school, work and national boards to find time for anything.

What I wouldn't give for our gym to have a workout room. I'd pay for that.
If you feel like you have only 20 minutes to work out a day, there's a lovely lady on youtube called Zuzana. She now does her own workout channel and they're called 'ZWOWs'- Zuzana's Workout of the Week. Most are 20 min or LESS, some only 10 but they KICK. YOUR. BUTT. Most use minimal equipment and nothing fancy..and you can modify them if you don't have stuff. SO wonderful.
If you feel like you have only 20 minutes to work out a day, there's a lovely lady on youtube called Zuzana. She now does her own workout channel and they're called 'ZWOWs'- Zuzana's Workout of the Week. Most are 20 min or LESS, some only 10 but they KICK. YOUR. BUTT. Most use minimal equipment and nothing fancy..and you can modify them if you don't have stuff. SO wonderful.

How good are those workouts in an apartment building? I've tried to do some of the P90/insanity workouts, but I can't be jumping around with neighbors below me.

Also, for reference, I'm one of those skinny but not in shape girls. I've lost most of my muscle since I've been out of the gym for most of the summer, so I'm "squishier" in my legs and hips than lots of girls who weigh a lot more than me.
I swear by 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels... It's 20 minutes, and it will whip you into shape. She combines multiple body parts at one time, so you are getting your butt kicked super fast. She does 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs, then repeats. It makes it go really fast and before you know it you are done and sore the next day. I think you can find it online for only about $10.
I swear by 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels... It's 20 minutes, and it will whip you into shape. She combines multiple body parts at one time, so you are getting your butt kicked super fast. She does 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs, then repeats. It makes it go really fast and before you know it you are done and sore the next day. I think you can find it online for only about $10.

Amazon is selling the DVD for $7, or you can buy each of the 3 workouts for $1.99 each on Amazon instant, which is what I just did! I can watch them on my computer or on my PS3. Thanks! I've been meaning to do something, but can't get into the 60 minutes P90 workouts my boyfriend has been doing.
I have had a good amount of success on the South Beach Diet. I cut out most of the sugar in my diet, and the carbs/sugar that I do eat are found in lower sugar fruits (think berries, apples) and whole grains (steel cut oatmeal and other stuff that basically looks like particle board). Nothing processed at all. The key is your body has to work to get at the nutrients in your food. Over processed food is basically already chewed up for you. I try to stick to lean protein sources. (Think white meat chicken and stuff that swims.) I exercise about three times a week (hard to do with my schedule, but I make it most of the time). Since April, I've dropped almost 40 pounds, and I usually have the metabolism of a lump of dirt, so I know this works pretty good. Just remember what others have said. Healthy is not a number. Just be good to your body and it will be good to you.
I think all of these tips are fantastic however, the case at hand is we have someone who is 130 lbs, most likely a teenager or someone in their early 20's wanting to be under 100 lbs. Unless she is 5'0" or less, and she is "obese" now, that is not healthy.

I feel like this is somewhat encouraging an eating disorder or an over-exercise condition that may not be healthy for this individual.

While I understand everyone wants to be x lbs to be a flyer, it is not always in your genetics for health and as a coach, I know other coaches out there notice health vs weight. If you need to be that size, maybe that school isn't for you. :-)
I think all of these tips are fantastic however, the case at hand is we have someone who is 130 lbs, most likely a teenager or someone in their early 20's wanting to be under 100 lbs. Unless she is 5'0" or less, and she is "obese" now, that is not healthy.

I feel like this is somewhat encouraging an eating disorder or an over-exercise condition that may not be healthy for this individual.

While I understand everyone wants to be x lbs to be a flyer, it is not always in your genetics for health and as a coach, I know other coaches out there notice health vs weight. If you need to be that size, maybe that school isn't for you. :)

I think we've all pointed out that wanting to lose 30 lbs isn't realistic for her. It's not going to happen, but that doesn't mean she couldn't stand to lose a few pounds (we don't know her situation) or just simply get in shape. None of these diets or workout tips are encouraging either of those. Not one recommendation was to stop eating or cut down to an unhealthy number of calories. Everything recommended was a healthy diet and exercise regiment, something most people could use, regardless of their weight.

I'm 103 lbs and I am going to take some of this advice. Not because I want to lose a ton of weight, though I too miss my under 100 days, but because I want to get in shape, which, as an almost 25 year old living a mostly sedimentary lifestyle these days, I am not.
Wow, I thought a sedentary lifestyle was conductive to putting on unneeded weight, I can only imagine how life would be if I was sedimentary! That's practically rock-like. :)

For the past few years I've been pushing right up against the 200 lbs mark (198-199) and I finally decided that I had to be doing the wrong things with my diet because I have still been getting plenty of exercise. And these aren't a good 200 lbs when you are only 5' 7" tall (picture big shoulders, big legs and a big belly).

Back at the end of May I decided I want to be really competitive this season and get back to my lean training weight of 175 lbs. I cut out all extra sugars (goodbye cookies, coke and apple pie for breakfast) and eat a lot of different proteins, vegetables and fruits. My topping of choice on most things is now salsa, which I made and canned a big batch of myself. Today I weighed myself and I'm at 177 lbs. I fit in all of my old pairs of pants again, I like how I look in the mirror (big shoulders, medium sized legs and a small belly) and now just have to ramp up my workouts to fill my legs back in. They used to be huge when I was in my 20's and I think I want that level of power again, even though I stunt quite well at my current size. I do squats about once a month right now and I used to do them a couple of times a week, so lots of room to grow.

I expect that by worlds I will not only be at my target weight, but also look a LOT leaner than I do right now (hello abs for the first time in my life! They will be there, I promised myself already!)

I think everyone needs to have their own 'healthy' goals. Weight is one measure of that but as other people pointed out, not the only one and not necessarily the best one either. I like the "jiggle-test"... stand in front of a full length mirror, tense all the muscles in my body, bounce up and down on my toes. What jiggles when I do this is of concern to me. Muscle I like, but extra fat can now take a hike. But since you can't spot reduce it means that I have to do an overall change to lifestyle to make the physical changes I want to see.
Wow, I thought a sedentary lifestyle was conductive to putting on unneeded weight, I can only imagine how life would be if I was sedimentary! That's practically rock-like. :)

Whoops. I knew that didn't look right ;)
I think we've all pointed out that wanting to lose 30 lbs isn't realistic for her. It's not going to happen, but that doesn't mean she couldn't stand to lose a few pounds (we don't know her situation) or just simply get in shape. None of these diets or workout tips are encouraging either of those. Not one recommendation was to stop eating or cut down to an unhealthy number of calories. Everything recommended was a healthy diet and exercise regiment, something most people could use, regardless of their weight.

I'm 103 lbs and I am going to take some of this advice. Not because I want to lose a ton of weight, though I too miss my under 100 days, but because I want to get in shape, which, as an almost 25 year old living a mostly sedimentary lifestyle these days, I am not.

Ashley, I didn't mean it in a negative way, I just feel like alnmost everyone was giving suggestions on how to lose it versus be sure the person knew they should strive for health. I can see someone who "really wants to lose" weight that doesn't need to buying the South Beach Diet books along with ordering Insanity and signing up for every single Zumba class when they can all at the same time. I just felt that it was important to stress health from what I read and I did say EVERYONE has amazing suggestions :-)