I've seen this happen many times at my old gym.... Coaches think they're going to start up their own program, without realizing how entailed that can be, and how impossible that is to do in NJ when you have well-established, worlds caliber gyms within less than a half hour of just about anywhere in the state. I mean North Jersey, just where I live, I could drive 10 minutes and hit Just Cheer, Star Athletics, and CC Champs. In Central Jersey, near where I go to school, I could drive 20-30 minutes and hit CJA, Comets, and World Cup. In South Jersey, you have just as many- SJS, NJSE, etc. Even the number of non-worlds caliber gyms in the state is pretty numerous for such a small state. Inevitably, you hear of these coaches not being able to get something off the ground and they end up going to another gym to coach- which is easy to do, because there are so many within close proximity to each other.
I know 5-6 coaches from my old gym who left (including me lol) around the same time to join different nearby programs. We all left because of the same reason- the gym was under new ownership, and we did not like the changes that were being made. At least 3 of those coaches have moved onto ANOTHER program after that move, which is like 3 programs in 5 years. I can understand if you're leaving for a financial need- say Gym A pays $12 an hour and Gym B pays $20, you have a baby on the way and you're behind on the mortgage, ok, then Gym B it is. But, if you're someone who is constantly moving from one gym to another, just because you don't like something there, maybe it's not the gym that's the problem...