All-Star What Do You Do It For?

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I do it because it's my life. I do it because of all of my cheer friends, also when something that hasn't been hitting at practice all week hits at competition I love hearing my coaches go crazy. Also I love the ability to go all out and leave it all on the mat
I have a condition called hydrocephaleus and it basically means my muscle tone is poor. Early on, people would be saying oh you'll never get anywhere in life. I am now a fourteen year old junior cheerleader who almost has her backhandspring. People think I can't do certain things but I tell them to watch and wait because I will prove them wrong. I do it for the roar of the crowd and the gym when we hit. I do it because I love going full out and proving to everyone how amazing we truly are. I do it because even though I want to be sick, the second the music begins, I'm a different person.
I do it for that one minute right before you go on, right when all your nerves are at their highest and you feel like your going to explode. Then you take the mat and you hear the crowd go nuts, the spotlights on you, and in that minutee you feel like nothing can stop you.
i never really feel like cheer is long i love EVERY single minute of it. whether its working for a trophy or conditioning to get stronger for my team it means the world to me and i do it for the passion i have for the sport!
love and now since i know what its like to think you'll never cheer again, getting that chance again, which i know so many other people would love to do it makes it ever more special to me. although i am not competing any more. the feeling of competing and being with my team of people who love the sport and the coaches who believed in every single person and my parents who believed specifically in me. on a side note: also knowing that my sister started cheer because of me and getting to watch her reach her dreams and starting to surpass mine in allstar now that i have aged out gave me the strive to jump back in it. i love watching her and try to go to every competition no matter how far i have to drive to watch her for that 2 minutes and 30 seconds...
I do it for that moment when you step onto the mat and get that big rush of energy when the music starts. For when, after a perfect routine you and your team huddle together and just cry tears of happiness. For when, after a long season you realize how much you love your team. How you know you'd do anything for any one of those girls. When you realize you've become sisters though thing incredible sport.

Its so hard to explain to my non-cheer friends. Its something they will never understand. Cheerleading is my entire life and I wouldn't change it for anything!
I do it because for those 2 minutes and 30 seconds all of my problems just disappear. For those 2 minutes and 30 seconds nothing matters more than my team and all that we've been through. I do it for the glassy look in my coach's eyes after we've just hit a routine. I do it for those four words-no matter who they come from- "I'm proud of you."
I don't do it for competition, or that limelight but I do it for the weekly training.
I do it because I love working towards a common goal week on week, highs and low.

For me my favourite part of cheer is the training with those who are just as obsessed as you :-)
Reading all of these is making me question why I am still cheering for my high school...
I do it for so many reasons. I do it for the roar of the crowd when we nail our routines, I love the looks on the faces of my coaches when I nail a routine. I was bullied a lot and cheer is the only thing that gave me back my confidence. Now I am a loud and proud 14 year old. I love my gym! Some people barely make it past three years but I'm doing it for my fifth year now because I love it so much. I'd die before quitting cheer.I have hydrocephalus so my muscle tone is very poor and everyone tells me I can't do things. Cheerleading has given me the drive and dedication like you wouldn't believe. When I have a goal I don't stop until I get it. Cheerleading has taught me to always try my hardest. There is Not a sport like cheerleading in the world!
this thread makes me wish beyond everything i had a team to go to next year <3
the reason i cheered all these years was for the joy you get when you finish a solid routine
the rush you get in the practice gym watching your competition
i love how the moment i start warmups in the gym all the stress and anger of the day just disappears
lastly i do it for myself its something unique nobody in my family understands and i love it <3
I do it for the friends I make, the feeling of getting new skills and just working as a team and seeing how much we can all accomplish when we work together <3
I do it, cause I wasn't very good at other sports. I did gymnastics and it gave me confidence, and then I joined cheer and it was a great environment for me. I loved the atmosphere, the creativity, the people. And then I learned to do choreo, hel coach, it has become an amazing organization that has definitely shaped my life. And now I get to give back to the kids I work with.

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