i've had this quote on my facebook since i made it like, 6 years ago. and i think it does a pretty good job explaining it.
"people don't do cheerleading because it's fun. ask any cheerleader, most of them will tell you they hate it. but their lives would be nothing without it. it's what we live for. we live for the long car rides, the parties, but also the undefined amount of braces, tape & the unexplainable need for six inhalers. we live for the way we have stupid rituals that are silly, but always manage to push us into first place. we live for marking the routine countless times. we live for sound effects, old songs remixed & snotty voice overs. we live for walking past another team & seeing the fear in their eyes. we live for knowing we are the best in the nation. we live for the competition, the friends, the practices, the memories, the pain & the strangers who became family. even with the rush of nervousness, we live for it. it's what we know. it's who we are. we are allstar cheerleaders."
along with that, i do it for the feeling of accomplishment when i hit something. for the nervousness behind the curtains right before you're called onto the floor, and the rush of adrenaline that split second after you walk through the curtain and see the people and the lights. i do it for the little kids who look up to me, to inspire them to be great. and most of all, i do it for 6 year old me, who fell in love with gymnastics and cheer, and never once looked back.