All-Star What Got You Into Cheer?

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I got into cheer when my step mom brought it up and I tried it and fell in love with it ! So I was hooked after that!!!!! After she told me about it and I tried it, I started tumbling and it was fun so then one day I heard one of the cheer girls talking about competition and it just got my attention ! ever since I have been cheering competitively !
Back in the dark ages I started cheering because my friends were doing it. It was basically cheering for pee wee football, no tumbling, no stunts, no dance...just sidelines. We wore turtlenecks, sweaters, pleated plaid skirts, knee high socks and saddle shoes. High school wasn't much better, although we did stunt, tumble and compete a little. Turtleneck sweaters/polo shirts, pleated skirts and plain white sneakers. Not a bow or a sparkle in sight!

My daughter started cheering because it was a sport that didn't involve a ball. She started rec football cheering at 8yo and never looked back. Her first outfit was soffee shorts and a decorated tee shirt and she was still hooked :)
not really a cheerleader just a fan so don't know if this is the right place but still.. I wanted to tell my story too. i got into cheer for the first time about four years ago maybe a bit more when my team mate in the basketball team i was on also cheered in what would be a senior level 1 (i live in sweden and we have a different system here not basicily levels.) and i looked it up on youtube and was hooked from the start. started being really into cheer just about a year ago though and that was when i really looked it up. I am still a newbie in many things and may never be able to know all of it because of me never being a cheerleader and never going to be able to be one either but still. I love everything about cheer just a bit unhappy about it being so small still in sweden and not having anybody to talk to about cheer. (sorry about the rant but its my story.)
Originally tried out for my middle school JV team in 6th grade because I thought they had the cutest uniforms (although looking back they were pretty bad, pleats everywhere!) I also played basketball at the time and was not great, but wasn't bad either. That summer signed up for tumbling classes at a local gymnastics center because I thought it would be SO COOL to get a BHS and thought maybe, just maybe, I'd make the Varsity team that year (because being a Varsity cheerleader was definitely gonna put me at the cool kids table). Two weeks later I was throwing a BHS and the tumbling instructor asked me to tryout for her all star program (what the heck is all star cheer?)

Well fast forward two years and I was now on an Advanced (Level 5 for all you young-in's) Co-Ed all-star team in the area, had a full on the hard floor (spring floors didn't exist yet) and was completely consumed by everything that is all-star cheer.
It was for eighth grade cheer tryouts and I was a gymnast. My friend told me that they didn't cut anybody who could tumble so she and my mom basically forced me to tryout. I made the team and then the next year, I didn't think I was going to make the ninth grade team for some reason (I did) so I tried out for an allstar team just in case. That year, I ended up double teaming on a J3 and a senior 4.2 as well as cheering for my school.

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I did a lot of things when I was a, dance, mom was an upper level gymnast (level 8 I think?) growing up and always wanted me to do that. She took me to a gymnastics center one day to sign me up, and I saw the local allstar team practicing, and I said nope ma, I'm doing that (at age 6 :D ). And now I'm 17 and still loving every waking moment.
Eta: cherish every moment you have with this sport kids. It'll be gone and over with before you know it. :(

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I fell in Love with Cheerleading after seeing Greenup County in the High School Championships back in the Olden-Days on tv, 1981.. and then I was Infatuated with the cheerleaders at my high school in southeastern ohio, I just Loved all of them! I wanted to tumble just to say I could do it... went to the YMCA, and pulled out a crash mat, and threw myself backwards, and learned a BHS, and a ROBHS in one evening, went to school and tumbled across the floor at a pep assembly, and that was it!!! Never cheered in school, had to many Big Brothers, who would have kicked my Butt.... I did get involved with my little sisters elementary school team, went to camp and learned how to coach, and started coaching my first team in 1984!!!!! Went thru the ranks and coached every elementary school, Junior High., and High School Team in my town, and gradually made my way into All-Stars in 1996!!! I am in my 30th Season as a Coach, and I LOVE it!!!! I can still tumble with all of the kids that I coach, I choreograph, judge, teach camps, just Everything in cheerleading, and I have Loved watching how Cheer has evolved since Back in Tha Day!!!!! I am glad that it is my Career Job now, and I have coached kids in Ohio, West Virginia, Florida, North Carolina, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania!!! I am in my 30th Anniversary, and am ready for the next 30 as well....!!!!! Cheers!!!:fro:
I was part of a gymnastics gym when I was younger and they decided to start a couple All-Star teams in the gym and asked me to join, I really loved it! Sadly they ended up not continuing after the first season and the gym later closed all together. After a few years of dancing and totally burning out on that, I saw a video of Maddie Gardner flying and thought "oh forget dance, I wanna do that!" so I found a gym and never looked back! I know allot of people strongly are against "Cheerlebritys" but if it wasn't for them I probably wouldn't have been re-reminded of cheer.
I did gymnastics as a kid, but I saw cheerleaders at football games and wanted to fly. There was a team at my high school, so I went to tryouts and made the team. I never realized when I was 5/6 years and watching cheer that mostly smaller girls were flyers. When you're taller on an all-girl HS team, you tend to not fly, so I never did get to be a top, but I loved it anyway
This thread illustrates the reason why even though I started coaching all stars, I CONTINUED to coach school and rec. So many girls (myself included) get their start in cheer through school and Pop Warner/rec. It's interesting to me that NOW, there are girls who will have grown up having ALWAYS done all stars, because for many of us dinosaurs, all stars did not exist!

Heck, when it first started, all star teams were lumped into SCHOOL comps because there was no such thing as a separate division and they even had to do CHEERS.

/end dinosaur post.
I moved to a new town when I was 10 and the first group of friends I made all did rec cheer. I had never really met anyone who had done cheer so it was all new and exciting to me so I tried out the next year. I didn't really like cheering at games but I loved stunting so when I heard about an all star gym in the area when I was going into high school, I decided to try out. I was so nervous I wasn't going to make the team, but I did... 11 years later, those coaches are my bosses at my "big kid" job, and I coach at a gym with some of my old teammates and another one of my old coaches. I also ended up going to and cheering at the college most of my coaches went to. My career is pretty much "cheerleading" so I can't imagine where I'd be today if I hadn't gotten into it!

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A 10 year old gymnast who saw a level 5 team do a run thru at a gymnastics comp........ She's been cheering ever since!
After looking through my brothers middle school yearbook I was like "I want to be a cheerleader!" So then in 5th grade they sent a flyer abut the youth cheerleading program home and one of my sisters really really really wanted to do it, the other wanted to but not as much and I wanted to do it but was alreading doing horse back riding at the time. So my parents signed up my one sister right away and then for some reason decided to sign up my other sister and I. Thank god they did.
I signed Droplet up for allstar because she was so wild at 4 and I figured screaming and running around would burn a lot of her energy off. Obviously, I had no clue what allstar was. Hah!

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