Are they doing anything about the trans hate that seems endemic on Beatles? I don't know if AS teams can/will cut for social media bullying (some could argue that's their "personal life" and thus not grounds for cutting), but it seems like that's where they need to start. It's never okay to bully your own teammate. Or bully, period.
I don't know everyone's feelings about trans athletes. I'm not here to discuss that. But my bottom line is that their coach put the athlete in question on the team -- a team that just won Worlds with her help -- and her teammates need to respect that. It's so gross to me that instead of enjoying their victory, they're instead eager to indulge their uneducated ideology that they've seemingly been fostering all year. Lots of kids could've taken being put on a team with a trans athlete as an opportunity to learn and change their worldview, but the perpetrators in this situation seem eager to hang onto their ignorance and hate. And for what? Do they think they're right in this situation? In the HISTORY OF THE WORLD, have the people who've persecuted another group of people ever come out looking like the heroes?
That being said, a part of me feels bad for the gym at large and the uninvolved athletes on Beatles. Just as they get over their questionable reputation, a few bad apples on Beatles set the place up in flames again.
So are they doing anything about this or are they just going to release a statement saying they don't tolerate bullying and then put the exact same bigots on the team again? What would your program do?