this topic was already lightly talked about in the random thread. But ill say it again there are always 3 sides to every story, your side, their side, and the truth.
i wont believe so called anonymous screenshots, simply because it aint difficult to fake those kinds of things in a matter of minutes.
given this girls situation, do i believe some form of bullying has occurred at the gyms she has been to over the years, sure. Kids are awful these days, so it wouldnt surprise me.
However, i do feel like it was an isolated incident possibly only involving one teammate, maybe a few not even on beatles, but not the whole team and/or program. Clearly she and her mom were upset on how it was handled but stuck it out for worlds, etc. then decided to come forward. Which is their right to do. However when you switch teams multiple times throughout one season, i cant sit here and say that a gym/coach should kick off kids who have been there an entire season, because one kid came and decided she didnt like the way she was treated.
I feel for her, i do. I was bullied relentlessly in high school and i had to sit in class with those a-holes for an entire school year. So i know what its like.
But gyms, coaches, etc arent these kids parents, they cant control every aspect of these kids feelings, lives, etc. If the bullying was brought up to the gym and they chose not to do anything about it, then yes shame on them, but she could have easily left.