All-Star When Approaching A Fellow Fierceboarder...

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Haha I saw so many fierceboarders in Indy .... but I resorted to my 12 year old self and just walked behind them whispering and pointing to my friends saying "that's whatchamahoozle from the fierceboard!!!!" and then they would turn around and I would casually look away and whistle a happy tune, they never had a clue :p

You guys didn't happen to be at the Starbucks across the street from the convention center on Sunday morning in Indy? ;)

I joke because my boyfriend overheard a group of cheerleaders while in line for coffee talking about my Twitter updates and saying, "I think she's a mom from UA." He was so proud to be able to report back to me. I just laughed at him.

No more big comps for us this season though. Any Midwest Fierceboarders going to CSG Super Nationals? That's our last one for the year.
I'll be in Dallas this weekend just playing a normal cheer mom. LOL Anybody that wants to can text me. (Bummed I missed Garrett in Atl) 336-705-0209 I love to meet the parents and kids on the board.

I'll also be at Battle at the Beach. Oddly enough I meet more fierceboarders there then anywhere.

So glad I got to see all the old friends at Cheersport, and met some new ones! Longhornsmom and FINALLY met Garrett and ACEDAD!
Sad face because CheerKT didn't see me. And I didn't see Andre.

But Kayleighfierceeeeee walked on the back of my flip flops again this year, I love that girl!
I didn't really get to meet anyone new this weekend. But I did get to meet longhornsmom and her cp! I'll be at Dallas as a spectator so hopefully I'll be able to meet more people.
I'll be in Dallas this weekend just playing a normal cheer mom. LOL Anybody that wants to can text me. (Bummed I missed Garrett in Atl) 336-705-0209 I love to meet the parents and kids on the board.

I'll also be at Battle at the Beach. Oddly enough I meet more fierceboarders there then anywhere.

OMG wait for a call and a running hug from me at BATB!
I am not competing at worlds (sigh/cry/hatemylife) this year, and will be taking full advantage of being a crazy cheer stalker, taking pics with everyone, grabbing shirts and bows left and right.

I will be the one with bows all the way up my arms, 5 tee shirts layered on each other (gotta wear them all!) and snapping pics. Find me :)
Never mind, can't get video to post.
Was an excellent video on how to survive Shark attack in the event anyone met up with Sharkdad.
Never mind, can't get video to post. :( Was an excellent video on how to survive Shark attack in the event anyone met up with Sharkdad.

If I come up to you and give you a big crazy hug, please don't look at me crazy ;-D
If I see any of you at BATC or BATB I may resort to running at you screaming. That way it's awkward from the beginning, so it can only get better from there. ;)

I'll be at both, but if I see or hear this kind of commotion I will run to hide behind whatchamahoozle
I'll be at both, but if I see or hear this kind of commotion I will run to hide behind whatchamahoozle

UH OH! watch out sharkdad, because you may be a target... We're friends on facebook so I actually know what you look like! ;) If you insist, I'll approach you calmly.

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