YES. I went to this little place in Edinburgh when I was visiting that said they'd pretty much deep-fry anything but M&Ms 'cause they'd get lost. Mars bar was ON POINT.
One time I came home from Ireland I had a layover at Heathrow and tried Prawn Cocktail. Honestly just tasted a little ketchupy and tangy but still really good.
Japan has WEIRD food but so yummy! Funny though- they're all about french pastries and some german desserts. Like that one that's basically a log of pastry/cake dough..kinda looks like a tree when it's cut in half. No idea, had it all the time. Japanese don't seem to really do dessert though- maybe that's why they're big on the European ones?
They LOVE their sweet bean paste and sweet potato stuff. They also do these slightly sweet scrambled egg sticks and mochi balls rolled in fine peanut "flour". I never tried it, but they do pancakes with sweet bean paste in the middle- kinda like a whoopie pie but not. Okinawa makes these really delicious donuts though- they're lightly sweet with banana and apple (but you don't get that texture, they're still like regular donuts, maybe a bit thicker). I loved trying all the different foods.