All-Star Why Do Parents Allow Kids Not To Show Up!

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People that consistently show up late are being passive aggressive and I hate it. The message you send is that your time is way more important then the coach and teammates time. I almost died this weekend when I got to the comp 10 minutes after meeting time. Our gym has the kids meet an hour before warmups to stretch and mark the routine. The coaches were okay but I was beyond embarrassed because we are never late in fact we are usually the first ones there in the morning.
We recently had someone quit because she decided to try out for basketball and assumed the coaches would be okay with her missing Monday practices. They had already compromised with her when she tried out for school cheer. So a week before our comp we were missing a back base. Luckily they were able to bring in a sub and she learned the routine in one practice. On Saturday the poor kid had to go full out with both teams numerous times...what a trooper! Worst story I have was when my oldest cheered in AZ a kid disappeared off the planet...we ended up finding out later her parents had been busted for nefarious activities...never saw her again.
I also can't stand when people tryout at a gym, read the packet, and then still pitch a fit when they are told their absence wasn't approved and they leave anyway, then pitch another fit when they are pulled out of the routine! Just be thankful the door isn't hitting your backside!
at my gym we have to arrive at like 9:30 because we have to watch the little girls go. If you can't figure out how to fix ur hair or something then the coaches help u. If ur stuck in traffic you HAVE TO either call or text your head coach or my mom calls the gym owner.
what my program used to do was we had a "29 minute window" to show up. So lets say your window was from 9-9:29 you generally plan to be there at 9 but just in case you hit some unexpected traffic or woke up late or whatever, you didn't have to worry about getting yelled at:p also we get charged 50 bucks if we're late to a comp... no ones ever late;)
I think that allstar is growing so much that sometimes these parents don't care if they burn a bridge..because they just step onto the next one, and the next one. Some people only stay loyal for a season.

We have teamparents and all athletes are required to check-in (usually 2-3 hours) before warmups. I will give my parents a 10 minutes past the time they are supposed to be there before I start texting and making phone calls. Usually they will let me know ahead of time if something is going on and they will not be on time.

I know this happened to a local gym last year at a national competition. They had a stunt that couldn't go up, and one side of their pyramid that couldn't go up. It's sad and totally takes a toll on the entire team.
ugh i can relate to all of these stories.
my cheer team, of 5 years, was so disorganized. the coach would tell us about comps a month in advance and a lot of the girls aren't committed. they choose parties and sleep overs over practices AND in the 5 YEARS we have been operating, NOT ONCE have we EVER had every single member at a comp. someone is always missing. so we usually have to re-work our routines the week of. it's so annoying!
but i'm quitting this team for another one next year. :)

we've also had a girl whose parent's didn't let her come to practice because she got a caution (demerit) at school. it wasn't even a detention, it was a warning. and her parents didn't punish the kid, they punished the whole team...because again, we had a competition in a week. :mad:
i don't know why parents just allow their kids to not show up, maybe something happened? like a family emergencey or something and the mom did have time to call the coaches? but that's really annyoing and i would be upset too, expessially because they were IN warmups about to compete.
We ran into this this past weekend at WSF. As one of the team parents, I was in charge of calling the 6 girls who were late. A perpetually late parent (cause I can't blame the kid for being late) actually blocked my number from her cell! :confused: I guess her message to me was "I know. I don't care. We'll be there!"
I was gonna answer but I'm assuming you want an actual logical answer *insert sarcasm*
Can I just say a girl on my team skipped the practice before comp to go out to dinner 5 minutes away from our gym. Oh.
A girl on the team I coach tried to skip the practice right before nationals to go to McDonalds about 30 seconds away from our gym with her new boyfriend (I should mention she is in the 7th grade). I sent the team on a short run, got in my car, drove to McDonalds, got out of my car and called her. When she picked up, I asked her where she was as I am walking into McDonalds and looking right at her. She told me she was at her aunt's funeral (lies.), and I walk right over to her while we were still on the phone, and said "Really?" and just smiled. She stood right up, and followed me right back to my car and we went back to practice; this all happened in about 3 minutes. She joined right in with the rest of the team on that run. Needless to say, she is still on probation and if she tries to pull something like that again, she's out.

ETA: I've known this girl since she was about 2 because I cheered with her sister, so if you think this is harsh, it's mostly because I expect a lot from her because I know her so well and know she needs to push herself more.
Well last year I know our mini team had this problem..
They were suppose to be there 2hrs early. Well I guess an hour into it someone finally got a hold of the girls mom and she overslept.

So she never came- I know it wasn't on purpose but like I set like 4alarms. (I tend to turn them off without ever fully waking up so usually by the 4th one I'm awake! Lol)
When it's something important like a new job, a cheer competition, you know like a wedding or funeral I do every thing I can (usually even going to sleep earlier because I know my mistakes affect a lot more then just me being late)
Plus I couldn't be that mom- I'd feel so bad!

When they are that young it would of been hard to teach a girl off tinies to fill in and learn parts and know exactly where each spot was that quickly so they opted not to have someone pulled in. They just let them perform with a hole in all formations and spent all of warm ups working a new stunt and pyramid. I felt so bad for those girls.
She still cheers this season and her daughter is on mini's with my daughter. I do believe one of the other moms said they were going to offer to take her daughter and just have her meet us there since she can't be trusted to be on time lol.
I look at it like this - I have a car payment. I make sure I pay that note every month. Plus, I pay extra for oil changes, maintenance, etc. I will be darned if I don't get every bit of use out of my vehicle. It better be wherever I want, whenever I want, and I don't want any issues with it.
Same with cheer. I pay (what amounts to the same as my car note) for my cp to cheer. I'd be crazy not to make sure she did her part to be on time to practices, comps, etc. I'm getting my moneys worth out of this.

Further, I've heard coaches say "Flyers never miss (practice.)" I'd have to agree.

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