Commenting on Large Senior only--did not watch both days of Coed-- and this is just my opinion as I watched from home...what the USASF has done to the large girl division two years in a row is terrible...Friday was great--Saturday--a nightmare.....I have heard people saying they all competed on the same mat so the results are fair...I get unfair advantage if everyone has the same circumstances...a couple of things..the mistakes and deductions escalated from the first of the top teams to compete (F5) -1 to the last Stingrays -6 ---coincidence..I don't think got later--well after 11 by the time the last few teams went on, the gap between warm up and performance was longer, more traffic on the now wet mat etc. Secondly, this is not the hunger was not billed as compete under the worst circumstances and the team with the least mistakes wins lol ...Lastly read the USASF mission statement--and I quote "We provide consistent rules, strive for a SAFE environment for our athletes, drive competitive excellence, and promote a positive image for the sport" USASF you failed--miserably--why teams didn't stop this during the event I am not sure...I guess hindsight is 20/20. Lets hope they get it together next year--if you paid attention to the interviews-most of the new teams to the event spoke of how great it was to be able to compete with the best in the champions arena as if it was an honor..doubt 4 out of the 5 top teams feel the same way -