It used to be that if you had a block of seats on a plane you were "guaranteeing" the price against increase, along with the ability to give names at a later date. In the last few years, the airlines are not giving great pricing to these blocks, so you are basically paying for the ability to change names, which works great for gyms who might want to make changes to their roster, not so much for the athletes and their parents. These blocks are usually also held with a $50 pp deposit and final payment due about 30-45 days prior. You are basically paying for the gym's ability to do whatever they want up until final payment. Now, on the other side of the coin, the gym is making sure that the parents who don't purchase when they should are tied into flights. I can understand that as well. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard of parents the week of Worlds WHO DO NOT HAVE FLIGHT. Not sure if they were thinking the prices would go down, did not have the money, etc. If you look at your flights in the block and price them to purchase right now, you will probably see a much cheaper total. You would have change fees if you wanted to change, but I think that is still a better option than tying your team to more expensive block flights.