Trying to look at this from the other side of the table. I apologize in advance if it gets a bit disjointed...
Varsity/USASF is getting blasted on the regular for not being separate entities. The response is a loan that needs to be paid back, plus of course money to find a new building, separate staff, etc. Their issue as we are told is they need $$$ to pay the loan off. Our perceptions is that they should take money we already give them and pay it off. However most businesses - especially successful businesses do not do this. They raise their prices first. So this to me is sad but expected.
Worlds was utter chaos with spectators last year. The venue is too small, but there is a contract in place that they either can't or won't break. Plus the perks you can give your Varsity/USASF staff or select VIP's that you wont get moving the event to a stadium since when you book major events there is always a kickback of some type offered. Free rooms, food, etc. - unless you just don't know how to negotiate - which I doubt is the case. IDK if they could get the amount of perks anywhere else that they do at Disney.
Therefore the only ways to limit spectators to the current facility is to stop selling tickets when capacity amount have been sold - which puts a cap on earnings. Something no business really wants to do. And since not all who bought tickets would be there at the Milkhouse at all times - going to the park, having family time, etc., it still may have empty seats - something you definitely do not want especially when ESPN is taping. The other option is to raise prices. This will knock out some spectators who can not afford it or will then by economics will only be able to watch their child's team/division. Some at large teams who will not force their parents to pay that kind of money will now not accept those bids, not because they don't want to go, or don't believe they should compete, but because of way higher $$$ to attend. But that loss is made up in the higher cost charged in the new packet.
The interest is up. Even more now with the latest moves on the make cheer and Olympic sport front. (which also explains the clampdown on excessive celebrations) From a business perspective then it makes sense with all else that is on the table, to raise prices. That is what any other business would do. Now do I think it is ridiculous? Yes I do. Emotionally it is devastating but it but it is a business move. It will financially knock people from attending, which they are betting they will then buy the pay per view feed (grumbling all the way) but it is still $$$ in their pocket. They are also raising the stakes that no other company or organization can successfully challenge the World's experience. Are they wrong? We will have to stay tuned for that.
***I have never been a defender of Varsity/USASF. Nor am I defending them now. I am just trying to think it through logically not emotionally before I go any farther down the road with it.***