Well, let's be honest... some of those teams aren't the "best" in the world, as has been discussed in many threads on here. I definitely saw some scary stunting in a lot of cases. Still, at least make it an option, as I've seen in the past- don't want spotters? don't have them! But making it mandatory is crazy!
I can remember at NCA college nats my freshman year, we had two pyramids that rotated and the spotter was literally breathing down my neck as we're about to move... I actually yelled "Get the "f" out of our way, we're moving!" lol (glad there's no penalty for cursing haha)... If he didn't back up, the whole side of a 2-2-1 would have walked right into him and come crashing down. It's honestly hazardous. If you don't know EVERYONE's routine exactly, how do you know what's coming next? That's the whole reason we don't use them anymore- new choreography styles leave not a spare moment in between things, giving them no time to get out of the way.