All-Star Worlds Stories

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eh I know I will get so much hate for saying this but anyway.
Yes they did make a beautiful gesture. I loved the routine and I have so much respect for them for doing this. I somehow know Omar helped them win!!
And CA ordering another ring for his mother is so nice and sweet.

But as soon as found out TGLC won I was wondering if they will order a ring for Omar to.

Please don't take this in a bad way because I didn't mean to sound rude.
Wildcats are probably ordering a ring for Omar since they won the I5 divison and that was the division Omar was suppose to be in this year. Yes TGLC won LC and Omar was on that team last year, but maybe CA sees it as Omar was with them on the mat and helped them win that I5 title/they won the I5 title "for him" as well as themselves ? Just a thought.
Here's my really doesn't matter if CA or Top Gun or both order another championship ring for Omar's mom. She will surely appreciate the gesture, and it will not give her the one thing she craves most of all..her son back.

CA did a awesome sportsman like gesture and dedicated a performance to a fallen athlete, whether at their gym or a gym across the nation. The sentiment was there..let's not look too much into it..and just say: 'hey that's awesome...let's start doing nice things for each other'.
trying to get back on track.....
not really a worlds story since i didn't go this year, but just gotta say from watching the live feed i got to see some of the most AMAZING routines. I have been coaching all stars for a long time, but i have never witnessed the greatness that i saw this year! Thank you to the ENTIRE Large Senior & large coed and many other divisions for making me get goosebumps! This is what Worlds should be - seeing the best of the best and performing their best and putting on a show for all to see. Also, so great to see so many underdogs come out strong and place so high!
My favorite quote heard this year was while waiting in, lets call it the "line" outside the Field House Sunday at the butt crack of dawn. While we had been pressed together like nothing I've ever experienced for over an hour, people somehow thought it was cool to squeeze their way to the front to 'be with friends' (taking away any possible breathing room we had). Finally a CEA Mom yelled, "don't let the southern accent fool you. I will turn redneck if one more person cuts the line!" If I could have raised my arms I would have hugged her. Thanks for the memory CEA LAG mom.

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And did anyone ever find out why WCSS was at the Field House in uniform on Monday at 2:45? That could end up being my favorite story if they competed again.

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And did anyone ever find out why WCSS was at the Field House in uniform on Monday at 2:45? That could end up being my favorite story if they competed again.

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I don't think they did. After they were tweeting about it Kelsey Rule tweeted "Stars fooled ya !!! Hahaha sorry y'all ! We wish though "
One of my favorite momenst from this weekend was on Friday. ASCheerMan offered the announcer of ICU $20 on Twitter if she could somehow work his name into the announcements. No sooner did he send it out..."Justin Carrier please report to the warm up area..." Then she tweeted "Where's my $20?"

Then Monday night cp was cruising my twitter and she sees that Ambrel has become the Phelps of cheer and asks "what boy has the most?" I told her "Oh probably Coach Muniz (Rooster) because he's been at every Worlds." Her response "Oh he couldn't have as many as Ambrel because she competed Juniors and HE WAS ALREADY OLD IN 2004..." Ouch...:eek:
I was just so excited to watch so many teams HIT and have the performances of their season. It was nice going into Awards knowing that it was 'anyone's game or least 'more than one' team's game. Large Senior could have had 4 different National Champions. I would have given it to any of the 4 of them and not been surprised. Large Coed--2 or 3, Small Senior--3 choices, International Open Coed-2 choices. Usually the best separate themselves by deductions and this didn't seem to be the case this year.

It's unfortunate the amount of hate I saw online following each award ceremony. NOBODY was screwed in the rankings--it's just a tough competition. You can have the entire HP Fieldhouse on its feet, nail your routine perfect and still end up in a very respectable 3rd or 4th place. That's just how it is at this level.

What's awesome is the number of kids that got that 'we couldn't have done any better' feeling coming off the mat. The fact that so many athletes are boarding the plane home from Disney knowing there was nothing more they could have given is an awesome thing.