All-Star Worst Comp. Moments Ever!!!

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True story:
A not-so-responsible member of our team (she was always at least a half hour late to competitions) flat out forgot about a competition. We were two hours away and about to go into warm up when we realized that she wasn't coming. We had an awful performance since she was a vital part of all the stunts and everything. Lucky for her, our coaches "dismissed her from the team" before we all got the chance to destroy her at the next practice. Really though.. we might have beat her up if we had the chance hahaha
1. I was last pass and all eyes were on me. I landed the pass, faced the crowd, and hit my hands on my hips with a fierce head nod and huge smile. I took one giant step back in the proccess and tripped over one of the "nuggets" and landed straight on my butt. SOO embarrassing.

2. One of the bases in my stunt group just decided not to show up day 2 of a competition. oh, okay. thats cool too...
- when you aren't tumbling in the routine, and you see like 5 touchdowns
-that awkward moment when the photographer gets a picture of your butt like 5 times
- when you have 20 teams in front of you AFTER you warm up + the arena is FREEZING
True story:
A not-so-responsible member of our team (she was always at least a half hour late to competitions) flat out forgot about a competition. We were two hours away and about to go into warm up when we realized that she wasn't coming. We had an awful performance since she was a vital part of all the stunts and everything. Lucky for her, our coaches "dismissed her from the team" before we all got the chance to destroy her at the next practice. Really though.. we might have beat her up if we had the chance hahaha
How could you forget about a competition?! Was it a big one like cheersport or a small local one?
Having a girl decide she was going to quit the day of a two-day out of town comp. She already paid and booked her hotel. But we got a phone call in warmups saying they are no longer cheering with us. -________-
at my very first all-star competition ever my team dropped every single stunt in our stunt sequence... it was like dominos, one falling after another. it wasn't a good feeling. another one was when i was a senior or super senior and messed up a FORWARD ROLL during a transition and landed on my butt when i was trying to stand up. pretty sure it was counted as a touch down. ouch.
How could you forget about a competition?! Was it a big one like cheersport or a small local one?

I honestly have no idea how she forgot. It wasn't a huge one but it was one that we were all really excited about and should have done really well at.
another thing, a girl that was on my team's mom yelled at our gym owner for reasons unknown days before a comp, and the morning of the comp her mom said she couldnt go back, so she texted a girl on our team and said "I'm done." it made me soooo mad.
Getting sick after the first day of a 2 day comp with a 102 fever. It was awful! Luckily it was a 24 hour bug and I was all better, we got 1st too(:
I've had girls not show up to comps over the years but one that stands out is when one of my srs called me from jail to let me know she wouldn't make it.
Yep. She'd snuck out with friends and "borrowed" her dads truck. He called the police and they tracked them down and brought them to jail.
Luckily we still had several hours before they competed so I found a fill in, taught everything to her and they did great!
when your sister (girl who posted this before) throws her full for the first time ever in a competition (it was the first time our gym performed a level 5 routine and it was the last comp of the season this year. we were level 4 all year but decided being a lot of people got tumbling and our stunts were almost level 5 anyway so it wouldnt reequire much change.), lands it, and then when walking away tears her acl, and the music stops and you wonder whos hurt and you look to see your sister crying (who NEVER goes down even after being steped on at practices, tearing hamstrings ect) and not being able to do anything but be pushed off the floor while the medics carry her off the floor.
1.) My very first Cheersport (way back when level 1 was called novice and you could do backhndsprings) I landed on my butt doing a toetouch because my ankle rolled

2.) Before I learned about hair spraying your butt, my bloomers would always ride all the way up and my skirt would to, so the judges and crowed would get a really great view of my butt

3.) Stunts falling at NCA is the worst feeling ever (with the exception of Worlds but I'm not on 5 so yea...)

4.) Waking up at 6 AM to help with the special needs team at Cheersport, getting so sick that I couldn't even stand up to do my hair, throwing up 24434837456345379456 times (lost count after a while) and not compeating with your team until 8 that night. That was one of the worst days of my life. Well actually competing sick just really sucks... especially when you can't really stand up and you feel like your about to keel over and die any second.

5.) Dislocating your thumb 3 days before a comp... thank God for splints and tape.

...I feel like such a mess lol! I swear I'm not as bad as this post makes me look!! *knocking on wood* :p

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