Who in Hades said anything about men being pedophiles with a 7 year old wearing lip stick?! I defended
@FamousxMindset who I felt was entitled to his opinion, and he only said they didn't want his young child wearing make up. As far as the hardwired comment, I don't know how HS dating works in your area but, in ours, half of the HS relationships are found on InstaGram and Twitter in neighboring schools and areas. These cheer dads and guys aren't as concerned with pedophiles, as much as, the 18 year old that truly finds your 12 year old, that looks 18, attractive and the 12 year old that is flattered and lies.
@Official OWECheer why is a man a "BLITHERING IDOT" if he is tells you he finds something sexual? While I don't agree with him, I most certainly feel he is entitled to tell me, "he does", at least I know who to watch. I, personally, don't understand the women, or people in general, who feel they are going to change what a person finds attractive or sexual by saying "you shouldn't" or "that's stupid". THIS is exactly the problem I have with our mentality on pedophiles. They keep telling us they are still attracted to kids and don't find anything wrong with it but yet, we tell them to "stop" and put them back on the street. Who's the idiot? I think it's pretty even. While I don't dictate what I do based on a crazy few, I'm at least willing to listen to the
majority of outsiders that question the necessity of the ever shrinking uniforms and increased make up we are putting on our kids.