uca nationals

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  1. Bobby Von Kirk

    High School Looking for an affordable reliable MUSIC PRODUCER for your NCA/UCA NATIONALS or PEP RALLY MUSIC?

    Hi everyone, I'm a certified music producer and vocalist in search of more clientele needing music for almost any occasion. I have 10+ years of experience producing in the cheer and dance industry as a vocalist and DJ, working with the TOP leaders in the music biz since 2012. I'm TVCC alumni...
  2. LittleMissA17

    High School UCA Nationals 2022

    It's that time of year! UCA nationals is this coming weekend! Order of competition: https://www.varsity.com/uca/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/22-NHSCC-Order-Updated.pdf Block schedule: https://www.varsity.com/uca/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/22-NHSCC-Schedule-Online.pdf To everyone in their last...
  3. S

    High School Uca Nationals 2018 (updates, Etc)

    Figured I would make a fresh thread specific for this weekend's competition. Block Schedule Performance Order (this link should update as the weekend goes, we shall see) Live Stream Info I'll be there with my team! Holler if ya see us: Douglas County Cheer :cool:
  4. AndyT_T

    High School Squad Changes For Nca/uca Nationals?

    What kind of changes in team composition are allowed between receiving your bid and going to nationals? Can you add people to the team as long as It doesn’t change your division? Or are you locked in to competing with the same number of people you had when you earned your bid? Do they care...
  5. LittleMissA17

    High School Uca Nationals 2018

    Use this thread to discuss regionals, teams to watch out for, and of course nationals when it rolls around. Videos can also be posted in here and in the video thread. Good luck to everyone competing at regionals! (I'll edit this when nationals comes.) Regional events for this year...
  6. AScheer

    High School Uca Nationals 2017

    The first email has come out... how can it be time already!?! I find it interesting that we can register online before qualifying this year. Registration opens the 26th... Qualifying comps start the 29th... or am I missing something?
  7. Tosh

    Rec Uca Nationals 2016

    I know they are quite a few teams on the board from the rec devision this year....Just wanted to see how every one did and to let you all know that we won! Jr. rec 2nd time going to Nationals and this was our year. It was a long road and a long year but my babies did it! Please share how your...
  8. jscoach210

    High School T Shirt Ideas For 2016 Uca Nationals

    Hey everyone! I love looking at everyone's t shirts when we are at nationals! What are some awesome shirts you remember catching your eye while at nationals years past? Designs? Quotes? I always struggle when trying to put together our team shirt [emoji51] Can't wait to hear some of your ideas...
  9. Alie

    Uca Nationals

    if I go to UCA nationals all star in march as a spectator. Where top gun, World Cup etc... Go to. Do they have packages that include the land yards. I know worlds does have it. Like a package for specters.
  10. Official OWECheer

    High School Uca Nationals Vs Nca Nationals: Which Is The True Nationals For Scholastic Teams?

    In my opinion, it's UCA Nationals (est. 1980) but as far as I know, NCA was started afterwards (correct me if I'm wrong). Plus, while I respect NCA, UCA shows more well-rounded cheerleading; teams are required to perform to music, and do a crowd-leading cheer. What do you guys think?
  11. Tosh

    Rec Uca Nationals

    Hey all, for the first time out Jr. Rec team went to Regionals and won so we're taking them to Florida for Nationals.....I have so many questions, because we have never done rec before. I just realized last night that rec teams performed on two different days last year; we were anticipating...
  12. ellen495

    High School Amount Of Stunting For Uca Nationals

    Conflicting information. A: If you open with stunt, you need a second stunt series to prove you are strong enough to pull off stunts. So do 2 stunt series. (Currently we open with a stunt, tumble, cheer, dance - only 3 eight counts), stunt, pyramid B: One stunt series is enough. Lengthen...
  13. platinumcheerashley

    High School Uca Nationals 2014

    I know it's early, but just looking for teams trying to get bid/ who have already gotten bids to UCA nationals for February 2014 in disney! We can use this thread for all things UCA nationals :) The Fierce Board App! || iPhone || Android || Upgrade Your Account!
  14. S

    High School Galleries From The Uca Nationals!

    Here are SPM's galleries of the small, medium, and large varsity finals. Congratulations to all the teams that participated and especially those who won the coveted championship jackets. UCA National High School Cheerleading Championships: Small Varsity Finals :: All :: Other Sports ...
  15. AScheer

    High School Uca Nationals - Music Info Sheet

    Anyone have any good websites or sources to find out all the information needed on the UCA music sheet? Any place to find out song publishers, affiliations, record labels, etc?
  16. S

    Anyone Compete At Uca Nationals?

    I would love to meet people on here!
  17. nnuiqtiac

    High School 38 Days Until Uca Nationals!

    Who is ready?
  18. D

    All-Star Uca Nationals - Travel Package/transportation/venue

    If you are not on the travel package, but are still staying in one of the Disney All Star Resorts, will you have access to the transportation system to ESPN? Also, is the competition at both ESPN and Hollywood Studios?
  19. 12stepCheermom

    All-Star Bids For Uca Nationals?

    Looking at the Facebook and Twitter feed I'm a bit confused. I was under the impression (and having sent our lv 5 last year this is how it worked) that you had to attend a UCA regionals and make whatever baseline qualifying score in order to go to Nationals in Orlando. Today I'm seeing a lot of...
  20. CoachTamara

    All-Star Uca Nationals - Orlando, Fl (3/9-3/10)

    Anyone going? I feel like it has been growing the past few years... We will be bringing Mini 1, Large Junior 2, and Small Senior 3 in the small gym division.