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  1. B

    OT Uniform Buy-back/Rental Program

    Hi community! Our youth cheer team is looking to start a uniform buy-back/rental program however we do not have a ton of capital to get it off the ground running. Meaning, we cannot pre-purchase entire uniforms from our manufacturer. Instead, we plan to purchase back uniforms from cheerleaders...
  2. B

    Rec Uniform buy-back/rental program?

    Hi community! I'm the new coordinator of a Pop Warner youth cheer organization looking for information on implementing a uniform buy-back/rental program. If anyone out there could provide information on programs they are currently doing, I would so appreciate it!
  3. C

    All-Star D2 uniform

    D2 uniform $50 Top and skirt CL Located in monroe.
  4. CatTAMU

    OT Youth Uniform Rental

    I have a youth cheer team independent of any school. I have had the same uniforms for over 10 years and charged $50 rental fee. The uniform cost about $90 (out of my pocket) This year I purchased new uniforms for $95, out of my pocket. Should I stay at $50 rental or go up to $60?
  5. P

    All-Star How to fix cheer uniform

    Hello! My team was supposed to receive uniforms by Rebel before WASF Worlds but it wouldn't be here by then, so we had another company pick it up and it ended up looking like how it does in the picture. The old uniform had long sleeves (basically a regular uniform top). Because of the one strap...
  6. TheCheerBuzz

    All-Star NCA was 🤯 Top scores, 8x trophies, the fortune cookie & uniform controversy…

    We may have escaped the complete chaos that was last year’s competition (remember the fire alarm?), but there was no less drama this time! Here are a few of the NCA 2024 results, scores & happenings: Innovative choreography awards: Click here to see! Grand champions: Cheer Athletics Cheetahs...
  7. C

    OT Pre owned uniforms

    Hi all, I don’t know if this is the right place to look into this. Does anyone know of anyone that is looking to purchase our teams previous uniforms or where we can go to sell them?
  8. TheCheerBuzz

    All-Star 👉 NEWS: Ex-Navarro Cheer coach Monica’s son arrested, uniform reveals & routines turning 10 this year...

    Content Warning: The details are explicit and may not be suitable for all audiences. We strongly advise parental or guardian supervision for readers under 18. If you are not under parental supervision, we do not recommend reading about this case. Ex-Navarro Cheer coach Monica’s son arrested Even...
  9. TheCheerBuzz

    All-Star 📰 The Majors results + quick recap, 2023 cheer quiz, new uniform reveals & more!

    It was a MAJOR weekend (literally) and wow… what a fun season we have in front of us! Here’s what happened not only this weekend but all of 2023 - see how much you remember below 👀 The Majors results & quick recap The exclusive “best of the best“ competition is always a show, even with...
  10. TheCheerBuzz

    All-Star Monica Aldama removed from “Ineligibility List“, uniform reveals + what does Double O & Taylor Swift have in common?

    Navarro coach Monica removed from the “Ineligibility List“ Navarro Cheer coach Monica Aldama was put on USA Cheer’s “Ineligibility List“ earlier this year, which we reported on in this newsletter. Here are parts of it: She has now been removed from the list again, after investigations failed...
  11. TheCheerBuzz

    All-Star NEWS: Cheer Athletics Cheetahs theme + uniform reveal, showcase videos & cheerleading has turned 125!

    Welcome back to another weekly recap of allstar cheer! Showcase videos & upcoming dates 📷 Showcase videos: Cheer Athletics, South Coast Cheer, MAC’s Cheer & Top Gun All-Stars 24k’s impressive level 4 routine (more Top Gun routines will be shown at the Miami showcase on November 19th). 📆 Coming...
  12. TheCheerBuzz

    All-Star 👩‍💻 NEWS: New Varsity lawsuit, Andy’s channel is back & have you seen these AI-generated uniforms?

    New lawsuit against Varsity, USASF & others Another week, another lawsuit… (See our coverage of previous ones here) Who’s surprised? Who filed the lawsuit? the ‘Open Cheer & Dance Championship Series’ (owner of the Open Championship Series), ‘The Open Cheer and Dance’ (hosts the annual Allstar...
  13. wondervvivi

    All-Star Low budget Uniforms?

    Hey everyone, We want our next uniforms to be beautiful but on a budget. I already have contacted several brands but I want to learn from your experiences. How much did you pay for your uniforms? From what brand did you order? How fast was the production and shipping? Is the quality good? How...
  14. C

    Rec How can I sell cheer uniforms?

    Hi all! I have about 130 cheer uniforms that our old director ordered last season that I am trying to resale. Does anyone know where I can possibly do this? We paid about 11000 for them. They are black and red and say Warriors on them. Thank you for your help in advance!
  15. A

    High School Cheerleading Uniforms

    Hello, I am a new high school cheer coach and need to order uniforms for my team. Our school has a limited athletics budget and was just able to fundraise enough for uniforms. My school does not have a complete set of uniforms right now. Our first competition is in December and we would need...
  16. oncecoolcoachnowmom

    All-Star 22–23 Uniforms

    Wasn’t sure if we had a uniform thread going yet for the season but I needed space to talk about how badly we need to stop the ride. I want to get off.
  17. Leaira

    High School Rebel Athletic uniforms

    What are your opinions on Rebel Athletic brand uniforms? I particularly love the fabric they use, as well as the full long-sleeve boy-cut bodysuits with the 5-snap bottoms. Have any of you ever worn those before?
  18. K

    OT Old uniforms for Halloween?

    Hi there, I am new here and I was wondering if anyone would have any old cheerleading uniforms in an adult large or extra large size that I can purchase for Halloween. Please let me know if you can help. Thanks in advance
  19. N

    High School hot weather uniforms

    I dont think our heat wave we've had all summer is going to subside. How does everyone begin the season for FB cheer if it remains hot. Im assisting a HS squad that has the coach out for a medical issue for a bit. Their uniforms are all long sleeve but they have a stash of older styles from...
  20. Caesarea

    All-Star Crazy Uniforms

    Stomach mesh has made it to IASF last year at worlds. SMOED's was so see-through that it might not have been there at all (although it seems to match everyone's skin tone well, for once with nude mesh). I'm done with single-season, crazy-themed, Day Two uniforms like Top Gun seems to love...