All-Star 2011 Worlds ... Gymnastics That Is.

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UB - Jinnan Yao CHN - 14.433

VT - McKayla Maroney USA - STUCK AMANAR TOO!!! OH MY GOSH! It was the most beautiful vault I have EVER SEEN. Legs together the whole time, toes pointed, chest up in landing.
UB - Qiushang Huang CHN - High bar pirouetting work great, but falls off on piked jaeger. Pak to low, back to high, stuck double layout (DLO) dismount. Unforunate, she has great lines on bars.
UB - Sixin Tan CHN - High bar pirouette to beautiful tkatchev, stalder to jaeger nice, a little sloppy on transition high to low and back, nice double front dismount, just a little hop forward. Gets a 14.966. Never got score from Huang.
VT - Ksenia Afanasyeva RUS - stuck DTY, pointed toes but legs bent in the air, still together though. Gets a 14.8.
VT - Viktoria Komova RUS - Stuck DTY as well, cleaner then Afan. Straight legs together, very clean.
UB - Amelia Racea ROM - Low bar up to high, stalder/prio work to jaeger, transitioning all nicely, double front dismount, big step/leap forward.

VT - Komova RUS - 15.033
VT - Tatiana Nabieva RUS - Also a DTY, but VERY sloppy off of the table, big bend of knees on landing kind of looked like it hurt, a little step back.
UB - Ana Porgras ROM - pirouetting to jaeger nice, high to low and back, DLO little hop. Nice lines, but little leg separations throughout routine.

VT - Nabieva RUS - 14.666
FX - Beth Tweddle GBR - Beautiful first pass into double arabian tucked, second doubel arabian piked and little step. Great leaps, one a little shy of 180 though, nice turn sequence and dance. great r/o 2.5 punch front full, stuck last pass.
UB - Porgras ROM - 14.066

BB - Lauren Mitchell AUS - Gorgeous two to layout two feet, low to beam turns into single inside turn very cool combo, switch leap straight into punch front wobble leg up, switch ring leap balance check, two to double pike dismount, step forward.

Rotating into second event now.
BB - Mitchell AUS - 14.566

After first rotation - USA 46.815, RUS 44.499, JPN 43.499

BB - Racea ROM - BHS s/o tucked full, little check, switch leap half turn, front aerial through to tuck combo nice, little checks here and there but very pretty lines in dance, r/o 2.5 dismount step forward.

VT - Imogen Cairns GBR - nice 1.5 yurchenko, low back on landing, gets a 13.966
Side interjection- Chinese women have NOT had good bars results this event. Don't know what's up- bars I'd say is their biggest strength, then beam.
UB - Komova RUS - great lines, low to high back pak to low and khorkina to high, piked tkatchev then straddled tkatchev, full twisting double tuck stuck dismount. Her toe point and leg form are beautiful on bars.

FX - Mitchell AUS - R/o whip to double arabian, very cowboyed. piked full in, leap out, little leg separations in air. cool dance, love her low to floor turns. R/o 2.5 punch front layout very clean. double pike last pass into immediate jump. Very nice, clean routine. Gets a 14.800.

BB - Catalina Ponor ROM - switch leap half turn, r/o layout two feet little check, love seeing full twisting bhs on beam and her's is very pretty, more nice combination work, r/o double pike dismount little step.
BB - ahhh??? CHN - standing full little check but very nice, two to layout two feet, switch leap split jump, front aerial sheep jump, This is all very very pretty, little check on turn, r/o double pike dismount little step.