What did this Georgia gym used to be called? I don't mean the actual building, I mean whoever is coaching there had to have come from somewhere. I haven't seen anything about any gym closings or drama in the Atlanta area (actually I'd classify their Georgia location as more Athens than Atlanta), but something had to have happened, like a takeover, breakaway, etc. Do the Atlanta Jayhawks still have two locations? What programs used to be in the Athens area I wonder? I would just be curious to know what these kids and their coaches used to be called.
This is more of a general statement and not directed toward any one program, but the trend where gyms get credit for the work of secondary locations thousands of miles away is an amusing one. From a business perspective, I understand what has happened to our sport, but from a sports competition perspective, I don't find it particularly celebratory... but good for all the owners out there who are doing what they have to do. Yes, technically Stingrays-Michigan is the same name as Stingrays-Marietta Georgia, but I never associated the two together or thought of it as all one gym. What does an NJ gym really have to do with a Georgia one? Probably not much, which is why I'm a bit curious to know where these people are actually from (for lack of a better phrase). Every time Rockstar opens a new location 5 states away, I have the same curiosity, what gym did we just lose? How many fewer gym names are there now as opposed to 10-15 years ago?
Hopefully the Atlanta Jayhawks are still going strong. I haven't seen them on any schedules so far this season but maybe they start later.