WOW...So many posts on this subject and I agree with many of them. I am not sure where to start but I have to say that it is disappointing to see things get so far out of hand at Worlds and it seems to get worse each year. The stories I heard and the things I witnessed are downright disturbing. It starts with the Parents and the Coaches, I know you can't be with the kids at all times but there needs to be rules for the athletes and if they refuse to follow them then they don't go...PERIOD!
I think it is extremely irresponsible for certain individuals to go out and party, get sloppy drunk and then not be able to function when it is your turn on the floor. IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU, it is about your team and the 20+ other athletes and your coaches that have worked so hard to get to Worlds, at least give them some respect and show up ready to perform at your best. You can drink your face off AFTER your performances are done if that is what you choose to do but don't screw it up for everyone else. It's extremely selfish and ignorant.
OK, that said...It is a shame that those who choose to act up ruin it for those who show up and have fun without embarrassing themselves. There were PLENTY of drunk kids to be found this weekend and it was a total circus at times. The incidents at the football field were totally out of control and the lack of respect shown by some to their elders and the police is alarming. I thought it was bad last year but I think this year may have been worse. Last year I actually witnessed girls who were drinking inside the arena and one girl who was so drunk she could barely speak or stand up. This year I did not see that in the arena but I did see more of it at the resorts and I kept asking myself "where are the coaches, parents or chaperone's?" Is it going too far to say that maybe some coaches or parents look the other way? I know that kids will be kids but there has to be a limit. I have nothing but praise for those who followed the rules and stayed out of trouble, I would like to think that the majority of them did that and that is a direct reflection on your Parents and the great job they did raising you. It was mentioned earlier in this thread and I will say it again, it is only a matter of time before something bad happens to someone (unfortunately) and that will likely ruin it for everyone. I hope it does not happen so WISE UP people, there are ways to have fun without getting drunk and embarrassing yourself, your parents and your team!