So after years and years of being at Worlds and hearing all the stories of what goes on at the Allstar Resort I was diligent about knowing where and with whom my 12 year old was at all times over the course of the weekend. When she wasn't with her team (adult in charge) she was with a group of like age kids with parents I trust. After Coed awards she stayed to watch the rest of the competition from the Fierceboard section with her sister (18 years old) and
Angelica and Donovan. All kids I trust!! After the last division competed her sister got on the bus with her and made sure she got back to the room safely where she asked if she could go to the block party. I sent out a few texts to my Mom friends and found none that were actually going with their kids to the party and decided in my head No Baby you can't go. While trying to figure out how to word the explanation as to why she wasn't going to be able to go she says..........."I changed my mind. I'm tired, I just want to eat and swim and go to bed" Me in my head........."THANK YOU JESUS" So she changed into a bathing suit......we headed to the pool area. It took me 2 trips into the building to refill our cups to figure out what was going on. I'm slow sometimes. LMAO At that point we moved where we were sitting to an area with tables with umbrella's but separated by a hedge from the place where everyone seemed to be congregating. After about 30 minutes she wanted to head back to the room so we did and she was well asleep before the helicopter's showed up. Apparently the Block Party would have been a safer option for her.......WHO KNEW? HAHAHAHA
I will say this. I never ventured up to the football field Sun night so I had no idea what was happening there until after it was over. I slept on the floor all weekend in a girls room as did my hubby who slept on the floor all weekend in a boys room. Any of the CEA kids that made the mistake of coming back to the bldg before curfew found themselves on lockdown. We wouldn't let them go back out and sent them to their rooms. Disney security came down the hall an hour later telling us to get out of the hallways. We said, we're chaperone's and we're an hour ahead of you. Most of our kids are already in. Notice I said most not all. LOL
I wish I could say the same about the group of parents that spent the weekend drinking right under our bldg from Thursday night until way past curfew on Sunday night with the 2 women who's voices penetrated the walls of the room. You were obnoxious! But I never saw 1 obnoxious kid from your program! Odd huh?