The only holes I see is your inability to distinguish facts from Heresay or rumors. The fact is only I know the situation. If you choose to make your points based on a disgruntled employee who hasn't stepped foot in my gym since the day I fired him then so be it. But, I'll continue to post the facts.
1) The team was made up of crossover athletes from 6 different teams in the gym and 1 former athlete. These were the athletes who could afford a last minute trip to Dallas with just 6 weeks to prepare for it. The trip cost about $1000-$2000 per family. So this team was made up of the athletes who had some extra money to spend.
2) 19 of the athletes are on teams that are Level 2, 3 & 4 at Rockstar. 1 athlete is a Level 4 tumbler but flies on a Level 5 team. She backspots a group.
3) We learned the routine in 2 days
4) We had 3 practices to do the routine before our 1st competition, the 1st weekend of February at NCA Atlanta.
5) We lost that competition to Stingray Lg Jr 2
6) We did not have enough time to put together a Level 3 routine and compete it in 3 practice days.
7) We competed 4 times this year including NCA
8) We had 12 practices
9) We will never put a routine on the floor at Rockstar that isn't clean that isn't hitting. We most certainly wouldn't ask parents to spend $1000-$2000 to go experience the Super Bowl of Cheerleading (NCA) and pray that we could get a Level 3 routine together. If we could have done a Level 3 routine in 3 practices, we would have.
10) This trip was an amazing one for our parents and athletes. All they've talked about is going shopping and buying Cowboy boots, cowboy hats, visiting Dallas Cowboy stadium and experiencing NCA. For our gym it was a great decision and those parents and our customers are very appreciative in our decision.
11) We did not cheat or break any rule.
12) We lose to teams at every competition who we know aren't competing at their true tumbling level
13) We beat teams at every competition that aren't competing at their true tumbling level.
14) There are teams that compete down an entire season, that aren't their true tumbling level and compete all season like this. Unless you go into every person's gym and find out what each team is doing, then all these teams are sandbagging.
15) If you don't like the USASF rules then go do something about it. Whatever the rules are we will continue to follow them.
You are entitled to your opinion and that's what the message boards are for. But the minute you try to speak something inaccurate about Rockstar or harm our business with rumors I will adamantly defend it.