as a coach, i respectfully disagree with your thoughts on crossovers and small gyms. We are a small gym (less than 75 athletes) and this is the first season that we have used crossovers. It has been our most successful year yet. We were able to take our kids and put them on teams that were level appropriate instead of putting them on whatever team they fit on age wise. Last year we had a Youth 2 which is where all of our Youth age kids were placed. There were a number of kids that were not ready for the sharktank that is Youth 2, and it held back the kids that were ready and were working hard. Fast forward to this year- we currently have a small number of kids who are truley a Youth 1 (age and skill), yet there are not enough of these kids to make a full team. We learned our lesson on this last year- so we made them a team. We have girls who cross up from our Mini 2 team to help fill out the Youth 1. The Mini 2 girls that crossover are bases and back spots on the Mini 2- on Youth 1, two of them are fliers. They get to experience different roles of the sport, while making a successful team for those Youth 1 athletes. We have the same type of situation with our older teams.
being able to use those crossovers to make sure kids are all appropriatley placed on teams has made all the difference in the world for us and our success.
I agree with you for small gyms I think depending on what you have it may be necessary to use crossovers to make those other teams better. Yes you don't have to but sometimes it is better for the team.
At our gym
Tiny 1 has about 12 kids and none of them crossover.
Mini 1 has 25 kids.
2 of those kids (my cp being 1 of them) crossed up at the beginning of the season to youth 2. They both just had a janky standing BHS. Now these 2 kids have back tucks:)
Then our youth 2 had 2 people quit like 2 weeks before a competition so we crossed up 2 more minis that had just got a standing BHS.
So our minis have 4 kids who are on youth 2.
Youth 2 has a total of 15 kids including the 4 who cross up from minis.
3 do not have a BHS but are to old for minis.
& 3 kids have a tuck. The 2 who cross up from minis. And 1 other kid has a tuck on youth2 but she now crosses up to our jr3 because someone quit off that team.
Our jr3 has probably 20 kids including the girl who crossed up from youth2.
3 don't have a tuck. (one of them has one they are just blocking)
I think maybe 3 of them cross down to sr 2 and they fly because they base on jr3.
1 of the jr3 girls cross to sr4 because she has gotten all her level 4 skills.
Sr2 has maybe 16 kids including the 3 that I said cross from jr3.
One of the girls on sr 2 just started cheering but probably has some of the strongest legs i have ever seen. She got all her level 4 skills this season because of those legs so after the first competition they allow her to cross to sr4 since a girl quit.
Sr4 has maybe 22 kids including the cross up from jr3 and the cross up from sr2.
Obviously we didn't have that many crossovers initially that we do now but they definitely aren't to stack teams. Only 1 girl crossed more then 1 level and she obtained all skills during this season. This wasn't necessarily directed to you but just to anyone in general. Crossovers are not the problem it is the level and manner in which you are using them. I think if crossovers were banned or extremely limited it would definitely hurt small gyms. We used more crossovers partially to fill spots of people who quit right before competitions. It was easier to put someone in the place of the quitter then to rearrange the whole routine in 3 practices and change everyone's part when one person can come in and learn and pick up the routine. We would have been better off if people just fulfilled there contract but that just doesn't always happen.
Also I want to see putting the levels on the jackets would be a wonderful idea!!!