Before I get yelled at, I'm not against stars or any of the teams that didn't or did get bids. My thought is to truly tell who the best in the world is wouldn't a good idea be to have 1st 2nd 3rd in all of all girl for worlds and same for coed. It's obvious that large senior can be outscored by med or small teams. It's supposed to be who are the best in the world, right? Lets just use stars cause it just happened no other reason. Should that be the case at worlds, they are gauranteed a medal because there are only three teams but what if the 4th place or 3rd or 2nd place med team beat their score? aren't they then the best in the world. Maybe this doesn't make sense but i was just typing while i was thinking. I'm not starting a fight here at all. I just wanted to see what you all thought. :)