Official OWECheer
Most likely to post anywhere
- Jan 16, 2014
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- 9,143
Yup! I think that Varsity is definitely responsible for fixing some things, but I have a hard time taking any gym's anti-Varsity stance seriously when they are constantly ordering apparel from Varsity. The majority of their income comes from apparel.I guess I'm one of those big bad parents that truly believe Varsity is not the enemy we make them out to be. I worked for a Fortune Five that was extremely cash rich for many years and received a lot of criticism because it was so wealthy, right up until the point it was taken over by a bigger and wealthier fish in the pond.
There's enough business for everyone? Yes, if you want to keep it small but, that's not what people are wanting. Vernon and Pearl can't put on an NCA or Cheersport. I would love for a college student to call the GWCC or the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center and see what they have to provide to get a date reserved. Then go to hotels and make sure they have 18,000-20,000 rooms available for that weekend and find hotels willing to trust someone to block off that kind of money without anything in return.....But, I used to be able to find my own room for half the price. No kidding, back in the good ol' days when it was half the size. Last year I rented a car for $17 per day, this year $38. Last year my flight cost 7,000 points per ticket, this year 12,500. Varsity doesn't control them, what happened? We happened.
I'll go ahead and be odd parent out, my kids love the events, they have fun, they rarely feel judging isn't what it should be, and that's what I pay for. Except for those moments of bad weather, I have found the venues to be clean and staff helpful. Varsity hires many young people that truly seem to love what they're doing, and IMO, do a great job. You want bigger and better but, you also want all the Vernon and Pearls to have room in the industry, too. It doesn't work that way, financially they can't keep up with our demands, and if they try, that's when they start knocking on the big guys door to take them over because they're in debt to their eyeballs. "How greedy can they be." are the last words of every single person right before they watch the corporation across the pond take them over.
But oh, the rhinestones are so pretty! And the crazy competition lights are so pretty (it's our fault that they still exist; if people made it clear that all they wanted were simple lights, EPs would give us just that)!
I guess preserving bright lights and pretty uniforms are more important than preserving our sport. God, cheerleaders are superficial.
The larger a group of people get, the easier they are to manipulate. Seeing Twitter recently was just more proof of that fact.
Has anyone noticed what's happened with Comcast over the past few years? Once they created a monopoly over the cable industry, they DROPPED the QUALITY of their services, while INCREASING the COST. Have people not taken a hint from the crappy live streams we've had for years? Do you not realize that more is coming next? Like the quality of apparel, the competition experience, the quality of camps, etc?
It's like when you're first dating someone, and they always look good and keep the relationship interesting... Varsity is the spouse that has gotten lazy and doesn't give two craps anymore.
There is NOTHING wrong with wanting to make money. I am not necessarily anti-Varsity.
What I am is anti-monopoly, anti-greed, anti-deception, and anti-the-neglect-of-the-safety-of-our-kids.