Lisa Welsh
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By Lisa D. Welsh

Jazmine Heath of Young Champions' Middleville All Stars
Jazmine Marie Heath of Middleville Michigan is a proud member of Young Champions’ Middleville All Stars Division 4 and the fifth Finalist in the Certifiably CHEERMaD contest.
For cheer moms and cheer dads who are unfamiliar with the Young Champions program (like I was) I spoke to Coach Tina at Middleville Allstars to learn more. She explained that the national program is the largest multi-sport recreation organization in the United States. For more than 30 years, it as provided high quality, affordable programs for boys and girls, ages 5-15 in the instruction of sports and recreation.
According to Coach Tina, Middleville Allstars practice once a week and pay $7 per session.
“As much as we love Allstars, we can’t compete with teams that are practicing every day, so we have our own regional competitions,” she said.
As a finalist, Jazmine has won for her mom a complete set of The CHEERMaD Collection jewelry; necklace, bracelet and earrings; a CHEERMaD tote and T-shirt. She is now eligible for the First Prize of one of three $250 Travel Vouchers.
If chosen as one of the three First Prizes, Jazmine is eligible for the Grand Prize of The Cheer Cruise and Beach Camp which will be announced at the Cheer Parents Party hosted by CHEERMaD from 8-11 p.m., Friday, April 27 at Walt Disney World’s Swan and Dolphin Resort.
CHEERMaDs are invited to attend the weekend’s only event made especially for cheer moms and cheer dads by picking up their complementary tickets at It’s All About Cheer‘s Cheer and Dance Expo, also held at the Swan and Dolphin Resort, Thursday, April 26 and Friday, April 27.
For more information about the Cheer Parents Party hosted by CHEERMaD, the Cheer and Dance Expo or discounted rates at the Swan and Dolphin Resort go to CHEER AND DANCE EXPO page.

Jazmine and CHEERMaDs: Mom Angie and Step-Dad Kevin
My name is Jazmine Marie Heath, I am 12, in the seventh grade and the oldest of five kids between my mom and step dad. I have four little brothers too. I cheer for Middleville All Stars Division 4 through Young Champions.
My real dad does not support me on my cheer. My parents are not together. They share joint custody but my mom and step dad have to take me to all my practices, pay for it all on their own. My dad doesn’t even come to the competitions that I compete at.

Jazmine and her CHEERMaD Angie
My cheer coach made a cheer that had the crowd to stomp and clap. Ms. Tina (that’s our coach), said something about using a pounding stick, but you have to make a sign or something cause you can’t just bring a stick into the arena. My mom got an old wooden flag pole, and made a sign to use the pounding stick as her stomping tool… SHE was the only mom that did that!

Jazmine and Stepfather Kevin
My step dad sometimes has to trade weekends with my step brothers cause my competitions fall on weekends (when) they are supposed to visit and they don’t really like to go watch me. My step dad even would go plow the snow, but wouldn’t want to miss my competition and would stop working to come see me. He even had to take off 5 days to go with me, my mom and our team to Las Vegas, NV for our team’s national competition!

Jazmine, front right
On our practice days, my step dad and mom both stop work early to make sure I get there. They would do ANYTHING for me. My parents, Angie Vanderwall and Kevin Gillman ARE Certifiably CHEERMaD!!!
By Lisa D. Welsh

Jazmine Heath of Young Champions' Middleville All Stars
Jazmine Marie Heath of Middleville Michigan is a proud member of Young Champions’ Middleville All Stars Division 4 and the fifth Finalist in the Certifiably CHEERMaD contest.
For cheer moms and cheer dads who are unfamiliar with the Young Champions program (like I was) I spoke to Coach Tina at Middleville Allstars to learn more. She explained that the national program is the largest multi-sport recreation organization in the United States. For more than 30 years, it as provided high quality, affordable programs for boys and girls, ages 5-15 in the instruction of sports and recreation.
According to Coach Tina, Middleville Allstars practice once a week and pay $7 per session.
“As much as we love Allstars, we can’t compete with teams that are practicing every day, so we have our own regional competitions,” she said.
As a finalist, Jazmine has won for her mom a complete set of The CHEERMaD Collection jewelry; necklace, bracelet and earrings; a CHEERMaD tote and T-shirt. She is now eligible for the First Prize of one of three $250 Travel Vouchers.
If chosen as one of the three First Prizes, Jazmine is eligible for the Grand Prize of The Cheer Cruise and Beach Camp which will be announced at the Cheer Parents Party hosted by CHEERMaD from 8-11 p.m., Friday, April 27 at Walt Disney World’s Swan and Dolphin Resort.

For more information about the Cheer Parents Party hosted by CHEERMaD, the Cheer and Dance Expo or discounted rates at the Swan and Dolphin Resort go to CHEER AND DANCE EXPO page.

Jazmine and CHEERMaDs: Mom Angie and Step-Dad Kevin
My name is Jazmine Marie Heath, I am 12, in the seventh grade and the oldest of five kids between my mom and step dad. I have four little brothers too. I cheer for Middleville All Stars Division 4 through Young Champions.
My real dad does not support me on my cheer. My parents are not together. They share joint custody but my mom and step dad have to take me to all my practices, pay for it all on their own. My dad doesn’t even come to the competitions that I compete at.

Jazmine and her CHEERMaD Angie
My cheer coach made a cheer that had the crowd to stomp and clap. Ms. Tina (that’s our coach), said something about using a pounding stick, but you have to make a sign or something cause you can’t just bring a stick into the arena. My mom got an old wooden flag pole, and made a sign to use the pounding stick as her stomping tool… SHE was the only mom that did that!

Jazmine and Stepfather Kevin
My step dad sometimes has to trade weekends with my step brothers cause my competitions fall on weekends (when) they are supposed to visit and they don’t really like to go watch me. My step dad even would go plow the snow, but wouldn’t want to miss my competition and would stop working to come see me. He even had to take off 5 days to go with me, my mom and our team to Las Vegas, NV for our team’s national competition!

Jazmine, front right
On our practice days, my step dad and mom both stop work early to make sure I get there. They would do ANYTHING for me. My parents, Angie Vanderwall and Kevin Gillman ARE Certifiably CHEERMaD!!!