All-Star Anybody Else Dislike The ''cheerlebrity'' Phenomenon?

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I obviously don't know you, but I have yet to meet anyone who has refused an upgrade in their social status. It's kind of how we're made. We all want to be "accepted" and "loved" by other people. It's our nature. But again, I don't know you at all so IDK. :D
I'd rather blend into the background then get credit for doing things everyone else does. The only two cheerlebrities that I totally understand their fame are Kiara and Bucky, and both are very humble!
I'm not saying that everyone would LOVE the negatives that come with being "popular". I"m just saying I've never met someone who has been offered a higher social status and has turned it down...If Inside Cheerleading Magazine approached any of us right now and asked to run a story on us/our child, would we turn it down? I wouldn't.

Oh my gosh, I would. I was on a major college team (not sports, and not disclosing further so y'all can't google me, lol) that was well-known nationally and I did a bunch of television, print and radio interviews and signed autographs and I hated every single second of it. Noooooooo thanks.
Don't get me wrong...when someone lets the popularity go to their head, I am most definitely not a fan...and if either of my girls were ever put in a position to have that kind of status, they would be taught how to be humble and genuine through it all. But I would still let them do it! lol
Oh my gosh, I would. I was on a major college team (not sports, and not disclosing further so y'all can't google me, lol) that was well-known nationally and I did a bunch of television, print and radio interviews and signed autographs and I hated every single second of it. Noooooooo thanks.

But see when you were given the opportunity, you took it. You may have learned through the ordeal that you didn't like it, but when given the opportunity on the first go around, you took it. It's natural though. I'm just trying to say that everyone to some degree wants the praise and attention they get from other people.
The only people I see NOT liking "cheerlebrity" status are those that are jealous. Blah, blah, blah, say your not jealous, but honestly who doesn't want to be recognized as one of the best? That's like saying, "No, I don't want my team to win, we are just here to have fun". The word "cheerlebrity" is made by the "cheer community", if you don't like the word, don't let it come out of your mouth.
i think it's crazy when i see kids asking my daughter for pics, autographs, etc. I am proud when she graciously stands there for countless pics with young girls (and mothers) and signs whatever they ask her too. she's definately not a cheerlebrity tho...she puts her spankies on one leg at a time!!

I do think some (a lot) of it is totally out of control through, and will sometimes go to great lengths to not read articles or posts about some of the girls and their family members.
i think it's crazy when i see kids asking my daughter for pics, autographs, etc. I am proud when she graciously stands there for countless pics with young girls (and mothers) and signs whatever they ask her too. she's definately not a cheerlebrity tho...she puts her spankies on one leg at a time!!

I do think some (a lot) of it is totally out of control through, and will sometimes go to great lengths to not read articles or posts about some of the girls and their family members.
Where does your daughter cheer? Just curious
This type of thing doesn't happen overnight, though. If you were offered to be 'cheerleader of the month' or whatever, would you turn it down? Probably not- it's you in a magazine, a fun photo shoot, scholarship money, etc. If someone said, here have some free shoes! Would you say 'No thanks, I'm good.' If someone said, 'Here's a video of you being awesome!' would you say 'I don't want to look at it, ever.' Now add that all up together, and suddenly you realize how we're down this road..These girls/guys weren't walking the street one minute and offered millions of dollars the next.

It's the slow build, the hours that you're suddenly needed to do photo shoots and meet and greets and appearances (when all you want is SLEEP and friend time), the crazy stalkers that want to know everything about you, the one day you blink at somebody wrong and everyone tweets about how you're the Devil Incarnate.
Everyone has the ability to idolize certain people, there are some that I don't agree with but there are some that others wouldn't think I am crazy for idolizing. If these athletes can handle it then so be it.

My problem, which was said in another thread, is that some have taken it too far and have let it take over their entire life. It makes me wonder what is going to happen when these athletes no longer cheer and have to face the real world where they are just another face in the crowd. It could be hard for some, but those that have no let it take over life will be just fine. I have also seen way too many athletes try their hardest on twitter to become a "cheerlebrity" with constant "add me", "i should be famous", "i need more friends help me get to 1,000", ect.
At the same think we see these athletes at competitions having meet and greets and photoshoots all the time, that leads me to believe they are being used by certain magazines and companies. There is a certain magazine that I don't read or have much to do with anymore because of how much they use these athletes to sell their product.

Cheerlebrities have always been around, they were just never given a title like that. I always admired Jason Keough and Matt McGrath. They didn't have meet and greets and Facebook Fan Pages though. That was a time when you could admire someone and recognize their talent without treating them like they are the next Justin Bieber.
Not a fan of it at all and I would be one parent that would politely decline anything like that offered to my child in any sport or hobby HOWEVER that's my decison for my child. I try and not judge what others choose to do with thier own children as every situation and family is different.

I do wonder though if this sudden rise of achieving cheerlebrity status has spawned these crazy recruiting seasons that we have seen lately? Athletes are joining gyms at great lengths based on what they can do for thier public image as opposed to what they can do for them on the cheer floor. I'm not sure I like the direction it's taken but will be interested to see how it all plays out.

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