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Reading through this thread I don't think the "hostility" has anything to do with the All Star Games. It sounded unique. Wouldn't mind seeing it in action. What had me side eyeing the thread was the tone in which parents were addressed about the entry fee.

Cheer is ridiculously expensive as it is and piling on with parent spectator fees over $100 is a deal breaker for some people. That doesn't make them worthless parents. (Not saying that was said but it was how it came across).

I have a car that hasn't turned two yet. I flipped 50k miles this past week. My house is a wreck because I've not seen the inside of it. Cooking dinner for the family in April?! Right. I haven't seen my son in four days (literally). We had to split the family up this weekend to attend to both their cheer responsibilities in two states at the same time. Even the dog had to be attended by my parents to come let her in/out this weekend because we weren't there to do it and only one of them was competing. The other was "home."

This is all in addition to the fact I bought four uniforms this year, had three competitions requiring flights, three with drives in excess of 9 hours and have stressed out about work and school attendance which is off the chain.

I say all this to say my husband and I have good jobs. I have a doctorate and he's an architect working for a major medical institution. We make a good living. And this year I've lived in a constant state of panic about paying the bills because our cheer bill (conservatively) tripled. I'm actually in the hunt for a new job JUST to reduce stress about money...and I like where I work. I don't want to leave but the cost of cheer is forcing that decision.

So, whether it was intended or not, the commentary here from two people I respect came across very bluntly as "you're only good to write a check and if you don't like it it's because you're too poor or too uneducated to do what's right for your own kids and your options are to sit down and shut it, find a cheaper and less meaningful program for your kids or buy the live stream because you're not in the least bit important beyond paying the bills."

That's disrespectful for what I DO do for my kids.

My entire life and my job revolves around getting them where they're supposed to be and ensuring it's all paid on time. And I'm working my a$$ off to get that done.

I don't think any parent that has replied here is interested in anything more than a modicum of respect for what we do for our kids (that many people will not do) and some acknowledgement that were working as hard as our kids. I didn't choose to take it, but I appreciated that champions league had a cheaper parent ticket option. If you want to get people on board with that for the parents and give them a discounted ticket option so were not gouged again and our check books are respected for how hard they work. (If you're already doing that, kudos to you).

Again, not saying that those words were spoken specifically but that was how they came off to me (and I'll wager) many other parents who read it.

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Sorry my post came across like that. It was not the intention/nature of my post.

I was only trying to convey that at least at my gym, its not uncommon parents don't go out of town to watch their kids and most complain about a $20 local entry fee. They carpool or put them with another kids parents. They either do what it sounds like you do, and that is figure out a way to make it happen, or they have other options such as not going, watching from home, etc.

I am not on the boards that much anymore as a poster and I guess Ill keep lurking.
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But our kids are not professional athletes so not a fair comparison. Not sure about the hockey program you are referring to but in my area most of the money parents and spectators pay for admission (big tournaments excluded) goes to the home teams to cover their expenses That is for Junior teams.

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The only reason I compared them to professional athletes and the such is because people were saying this was a show and wanted to draw people in as such.
I work for an ACHA Hockey program (college level) and also help with the youth programs that play at the rink and yes all the spectator fees go to us, the rink for ice time, or sometimes a charity, depending on the game.
Sorry my post came across like that. It was not the intention/nature of my post.

I was only trying to convey that at least at my gym, its not uncommon parents don't go out of town to watch their kids and most complain about a $20 local entry fee. They carpool or put them with another kids parents. They either do what it sounds like you do, and that is figure out a way to make it happen, or they have other options such as not going, watching from home, etc.

I am not on the boards that much anymore as a poster and I guess Ill keep lurking.
I know you didn't mean it like that. You're one of my favorite posters and parents (myself included) are strung tight right now (I think there's some major thing going on in like ten days). For me I've got two kids on two teams in two cities practicing 4+ days a week.

I'll admit were not your typical parents. We could get by cheaper if my dh or I could stand to miss them compete (which we can't).

I think we all need a bucket of margaritas....stat.


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people typically only see concerts and shows once in a blue moon and they're not going to see their athlete compete for maybe at max 10 minutes? I just think we need to make it reasonable so people are intrigued and interested in going.

To add to this: As a parent, seeing my child would be the reason I would go. Yes, it's cool to see the other people, but not cool enough to fly across the country and spend a couple hundred dollars for a first time event. So, their primary target market is parents. I can see my own child perform anytime I want, for free - or at least for $20 or less. I cannot see Beyoncé perform any day of the week for free. So I just cannot comprehend charging the same amount as I paid to see Beyoncé for a first year cheer event!

That being said... Obviously I am in the minority, since people paid it. I wish parents (and gym owners) would grasp the concept of "what the market will bear" - if you refuse to pay it, companies will stop charging it. If you pay it, they will charge it. Econ 101.

But our kids are not professional athletes so not a fair comparison. Not sure about the hockey program you are referring to but in my area most of the money parents and spectators pay for admission (big tournaments excluded) goes to the home teams to cover their expenses That is for Junior teams

I see she already answered you, but I was thinking it was a good comparison for just that reason. These kids are NOT professional athletes, so there is no reason to charge twice as much to see them as we'd pay to see professional athletes.

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To add to this: As a parent, seeing my child would be the reason I would go. Yes, it's cool to see the other people, but not cool enough to fly across the country and spend a couple hundred dollars for a first time event. So, their primary target market is parents. I can see my own child perform anytime I want, for free - or at least for $20 or less. I cannot see Beyoncé perform any day of the week for free. So I just cannot comprehend charging the same amount as I paid to see Beyoncé for a first year cheer event!

That being said... Obviously I am in the minority, since people paid it. I wish parents (and gym owners) would grasp the concept of "what the market will bear" - if you refuse to pay it, companies will stop charging it. If you pay it, they will charge it. Econ 101.

I see she already answered you, but I was thinking it was a good comparison for just that reason. These kids are NOT professional athletes, so there is no reason to charge twice as much to see them as we'd pay to see professional athletes.

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Econ 101, yes, but these EPs KNOW that most of the parents are like me and would NEVER let my cp step on the mat without me being there to cheer her on. They know they have us over a barrell and can charge whatever they want because we'll pay.

And the notion that I can stay home and watch online? Yeah, no. I'll steal a uniform from the cleaning ladies and sneak in a la I Love Lucy if I have to but I'm going to see my baby do her thing! LOL
Sorry my post came across like that. It was not the intention/nature of my post.

I was only trying to convey that at least at my gym, its not uncommon parents don't go out of town to watch their kids and most complain about a $20 local entry fee. They carpool or put them with another kids parents. They either do what it sounds like you do, and that is figure out a way to make it happen, or they have other options such as not going, watching from home, etc.

I am not on the boards that much anymore as a poster and I guess Ill keep lurking.

I am sure you didn't mean anything antagonistic about this and obviously every set of gym parents have their own expectations. I never missed a competition my daughter went to but your parents seem to have made other choices. Not better or worse just different. I hope you don't just lurk though! Your years on these boards is invaluable having grown up from cheerleader to now the coach!
To add to this: As a parent, seeing my child would be the reason I would go. Yes, it's cool to see the other people, but not cool enough to fly across the country and spend a couple hundred dollars for a first time event. So, their primary target market is parents. I can see my own child perform anytime I want, for free - or at least for $20 or less. I cannot see Beyoncé perform any day of the week for free. So I just cannot comprehend charging the same amount as I paid to see Beyoncé for a first year cheer event!

That being said... Obviously I am in the minority, since people paid it. I wish parents (and gym owners) would grasp the concept of "what the market will bear" - if you refuse to pay it, companies will stop charging it. If you pay it, they will charge it. Econ 101.

I see she already answered you, but I was thinking it was a good comparison for just that reason. These kids are NOT professional athletes, so there is no reason to charge twice as much to see them as we'd pay to see professional athletes.

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I recognize this may seem harsh. I don't intend for it to be. And, I recognize people aren't going to like what I say. But, it's the brutal truth of the matter, whether we like it or not.

The bottom line is we, as parents have no control over ep's. As a community we may have some influence over coaches and/or gym owners. But even that is questionable. We don't even really control whether our child attends the All Star Games (unless we're willing to quit the gym). Assuming our child does attend the Games, the only thing we have any control over is whether we're willing to pay what they ask for us to attend. It's simply a yes or no, go or not go. That's it.

We don't have just cause to be upset with the ep. He's fronting the money, he's taking all the risk, he's putting the event together and he can charge anything he wants. Is it unfortunate and disappointing ? Absolutely. Should he care ? Probably not. If he does and lowers the price accordingly, he probably can't afford to produce the event. Or, he would be forced to present an event like every other event out there. Which defeats his entire purpose in presenting the event. He made it abundantly clear that he wants to present an event unlike any other.

I think we need to remember, this is a business and he owes us nothing.
If we plan to attend an NBA game but we feel the cost of a ticket is too much, We don't get a hold of the team owner and tell him he's charging too much since we can't afford to take our family. We are simply forced to make a decision whether we can afford the expense and whether the tickets are worth spending the money necessary to attend.the game. How is this situation any different ?

any.different ?

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Econ 101, yes, but these EPs KNOW that most of the parents are like me and would NEVER let my cp step on the mat without me being there to cheer her on. They know they have us over a barrell and can charge whatever they want because we'll pay.

And the notion that I can stay home and watch online? Yeah, no. I'll steal a uniform from the cleaning ladies and sneak in a la I Love Lucy if I have to but I'm going to see my baby do her thing! LOL
We don't have just cause to be upset with the ep.

I think we need to remember, this is a business and he owes us nothing.
If we plan to attend an NBA game but we feel the cost of a ticket is too much, We don't get a hold of the team owner and tell him he's charging too much since we can't afford to take our family. We are simply forced to make a decision whether we can afford the expense and whether the tickets are worth spending the money necessary to attend.the game. How is this situation any different ?
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This is exactly what I just said, so I'm not sure why these comments were directed at me.

If I go to a gym (or dance studio in my case) and their attitude is that I am an endless source of cash and they drag my kid all over heaven and earth and it d@mn near puts me in bankruptcy... rest assured that business will see not one dime from me the following season. But since I'm the only person who takes that stance, it's ineffective. If ALL the parents would stop arguing over whose Susie is more important and would stand together, it would be more effective.

I'm not mad at the ep. I couldn't care less what this ep does. I'm annoyed at people for paying it ("people" being gym owners really). Just like I'm annoyed at people for paying hundreds of dollars to go see the Blackhawks play. Stop paying it if it's too high.

I don't think for one hot second that that price has anything to do with the cost of putting on the event. It has everything to do with 2 things: 1) they know parents will pay any amount of money before they'll ever be *that* parent, and 2) to make people buy the package (much more reasonably priced and surely gives some type of kickbacks to the ep) - the outrageous price is only if you do not buy the package, so I assume it's more of a deterrent price than a cost-recouping price.

I do not understand people. If I think something costs too much, I just don't pay for it. Or I pay for it while I have to (cheer), and then when it's time to sign up for a new year I take my money somewhere else. I totally get wanting to do whatever it takes so your little darling can be happy. But for real... my kids would be happy if I bought them both BMWs. That also isn't gonna happen. Decide how much is too much and stick to it.

My point is that you're right - as ONE parent of ONE child you have no control over gym owners and ep's. But I see so many people complain about the outrageous costs associated with cheer, yet everyone keeps on writing checks? Stop.

(Side note: @Klynn641 trust me - YES. People complain to the Blackhawks owner (or whoever is in charge) and the United Center all the time about ticket prices. Does it work? No. But to respond to your post - yes, actually people do just that.)

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I recognize this may seem harsh. I don't intend for it to be. And, I recognize people aren't going to like what I say. But, it's the brutal truth of the matter, whether we like it or not.

The bottom line is we, as parents have no control over ep's. As a community we may have some influence over coaches and/or gym owners. But even that is questionable. We don't even really control whether our child attends the All Star Games (unless we're willing to quit the gym). Assuming our child does attend the Games, the only thing we have any control over is whether we're willing to pay what they ask for us to attend. It's simply a yes or no, go or not go. That's it.

We don't have just cause to be upset with the ep. He's fronting the money, he's taking all the risk, he's putting the event together and he can charge anything he wants. Is it unfortunate and disappointing ? Absolutely. Should he care ? Probably not. If he does and lowers the price accordingly, he probably can't afford to produce the event. Or, he would be forced to present an event like every other event out there. Which defeats his entire purpose in presenting the event. He made it abundantly clear that he wants to present an event unlike any other.

I think we need to remember, this is a business and he owes us nothing.
If we plan to attend an NBA game but we feel the cost of a ticket is too much, We don't get a hold of the team owner and tell him he's charging too much since we can't afford to take our family. We are simply forced to make a decision whether we can afford the expense and whether the tickets are worth spending the money necessary to attend.the game. How is this situation any different ?

any.different ?

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Again, it is different because these are amateur CHILDREN. it's different because every ep, coach, and owner knows that these children didn't spring from the ground like trees, they have parents that are supporting them. And any person who says "well who cares what the parents think/need" is crazy.

I find it interesting that you would just cede all control of your child's cheer to whomever. I'm a parent, and there are always choices. And yes, if my child's gym chose to attend this next year, and it's the same high rates, no she wouldn't be attending. I don't need or want drink tickets (that the ep got FOR FREE) or dining "deals". I know how Vegas works, all that stuff was comped. So why the high prices? This wasn't at the bellagio or the wynn, it was off strip. So again why the high spectator fees? To pay the professionals that were there? And yes it looked cool, and there were cirque performers, and folks seemed to have a good time, but what I'm saying is what does that have to do with anything? What effect did that have on the actual cheer competition? Was the point of the weekend to entertain and show off, or to let the kids compete and show their hard work?

Maybe it's because I'm new to this. My other child is on an elite travel soccer team. It's also expensive. Coaching, privates, gear, etc. we pay for tournaments as well. I get it. But I'll be damned if I show up to a field and they say "oh, we painted the grass purple so it would have more pizzazz. That'll be $50 to watch your kid play"

That's what I'm seeing here. And really, the lady from the ep came here and said her piece, I can respect that. I hope it works out again next year. I just don't see how people having a different opinion is somehow wrong or unrealistic.

I'm on my phone, so if the format is wonky I apologize in advance.

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This is exactly what I just said, so I'm not sure why these comments were directed at me.

If I go to a gym (or dance studio in my case) and their attitude is that I am an endless source of cash and they drag my kid all over heaven and earth and it d@mn near puts me in bankruptcy... rest assured that business will see not one dime from me the following season. But since I'm the only person who takes that stance, it's ineffective. If ALL the parents would stop arguing over whose Susie is more important and would stand together, it would be more effective.

I'm not mad at the ep. I couldn't care less what this ep does. I'm annoyed at people for paying it ("people" being gym owners really). Just like I'm annoyed at people for paying hundreds of dollars to go see the Blackhawks play. Stop paying it if it's too high.

I don't think for one hot second that that price has anything to do with the cost of putting on the event. It has everything to do with 2 things: 1) they know parents will pay any amount of money before they'll ever be *that* parent, and 2) to make people buy the package (much more reasonably priced and surely gives some type of kickbacks to the ep) - the outrageous price is only if you do not buy the package, so I assume it's more of a deterrent price than a cost-recouping price.

I do not understand people. If I think something costs too much, I just don't pay for it. Or I pay for it while I have to (cheer), and then when it's time to sign up for a new year I take my money somewhere else. I totally get wanting to do whatever it takes so your little darling can be happy. But for real... my kids would be happy if I bought them both BMWs. That also isn't gonna happen. Decide how much is too much and stick to it.

My point is that you're right - as ONE parent of ONE child you have no control over gym owners and ep's. But I see so many people complain about the outrageous costs associated with cheer, yet everyone keeps on writing checks? Stop.

(Side note: @Klynn641 trust me - YES. People complain to the Blackhawks owner (or whoever is in charge) and the United Center all the time about ticket prices. Does it work? No. But to respond to your post - yes, actually people do just that.)

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Yeah, didn't mean to make it read like I was being contrary to what you just said. Oops.

My point was really that they have us by the b*lls when it comes to watching our kids.

@Klynn641 I'm a HUGE Dodgers fan, but I don't go to games anymore because it's too expensive. And I have tweeted to them more than once recently about their sh*tty deal with Time Warner that is keeping their fans from being able to watch the games on TV because they (the Dodgers) are so freakin greedy! And I know I'm not the only one they're hearing it from. Will I make a difference? No but maybe all the voices will put pressure on them to fix this mess. :)
I know the numbers for pro sporting events were just thrown out for comparison purposes but to me these aren't even in the same realm. Those sports are full time jobs for those athletes and they are paid. This is a recreational activity (sport?) for kids (or primarily kids). We pay to participate, they get paid to participate. And if you want to delve even further, those athletes are usually given comped tickets for family and friends to see them play. In cheerleading the family and friends of the participants are the primary ones paying the entry fees.
I disagree with the lack of power and control parents have in this industry and @Just-a-Mom said it pretty well If enough parents told the gym that they didn't want the expensive comps, the multiple sets of practice wear and the multiple uniforms, the 2-3 versions of music, or the new backpack and new t-shirt for every event then they wouldn't do it. But many aren't willing to do this because right now the parents/fans seem to like the flash and pageantry and fandom.

When the parents draw the line then it will stop because you better believe that if 10+ kids/parents from SS or Smoed or SE or TG (not picking on those teams just picking high profile ones) said no we don't want to spend that kind of money anymore then the gym's would listen. Who can blame the EPs? They exist to make money and right now parents are willing to pay for it.
But many aren't willing to do this because right now the parents/fans seem to like the flash and pageantry and fandom.

This. I think it's just a current trend (as opposed to when I was in college/AS many moons ago.)

I've always felt like it was my job as a coach to TRY and keep things affordable for kids and families. Hence limits on necessary campwear, bows, etc. when I coached full-time.

But for every mom I've ever had complain about something being too expensive, I've had TWO MORE (in so many words) ask why it doesn't cost more.


There was a year that we did not get new uniforms.

Mom 1: Hey, thanks for not getting new uniforms. Saved us a lot of money.
Mom 2 & 3: Hey is there a reason the girls aren't ordering new uniforms this year? The old ones are so TIRED (in reference to unis that were bought the season before!)

It's like they WANTED to pay for unis again. Accusations that we were being cheap. That other parents need to "stop being cheap and pay up."


Mom 1: Daughter gets a couple new bows/Pros at the start of season.
Moms 2 & 3: Kids have enough pairs of pros/bows to go HALF THE SEASON WITHOUT REPEATING.
Yeah, didn't mean to make it read like I was being contrary to what you just said. Oops.

My point was really that they have us by the b*lls when it comes to watching our kids.

Exactly! And that is the annoying part.

I would gladly give up all of the nonessential stuff that goes along with the sport (fancy lighting, waaayyyy too loud sound systems, junky participant gifts, cheaply made "jackets" etc in favor of no admission.

If I have to fork up that type of money to watch my kid compete, then I'll trade the above for quality judging.

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Yeah, didn't mean to make it read like I was being contrary to what you just said. Oops.

My point was really that they have us by the b*lls when it comes to watching our kids.

@Klynn641 I'm a HUGE Dodgers fan, but I don't go to games anymore because it's too expensive. And I have tweeted to them more than once recently about their sh*tty deal with Time Warner that is keeping their fans from being able to watch the games on TV because they (the Dodgers) are so freakin greedy! And I know I'm not the only one they're hearing it from. Will I make a difference? No but maybe all the voices will put pressure on them to fix this mess. :)
I agree that there's pressure in numbers if the numbers can get on the same page. And there is such a thing as the principle of the matter and standing up for what you know is right. Right is still right, even if people aren't there backing you up on the matter.

But there's only so much you and so much me with which to invest in causes. So many fires to fight. I try to pick and choose my battles to get the most bang for my buck.

I must be honest, if my daughter was to participate in the All Star Games I'd be there handing over the money for a ticket. My boycott of the event on principle would only hurt my daughter and myself. I figure there's always more than one way to influence change (I'm looking for the other way-ha!). I believe in this instance the power and influence lies with the gym owners. They need to hear the parents voices on this.

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