Respondents indicate that they have seen very few injuries resulting from elite-level tumbling. THIS IS COMPLETE BS.
First - Out of the 217 people that responded, how many have athletes that are capable of the elite level tumbling??
Next - it says people reported anywhere from 0-57 injuries. If one person is reporting 57 injuries, that is way too many.
Lastly - If out of 198 programs/owners, the average person reported 3.4 injuries because of elite tumbling, that is A LOT. How many athletes from each program are even attempting this sort of tumbling. At a gym like Cheer Athletics, CEA, World Cup, etc where there are more than 30 kids attempting this type of tumbling that number is still high. 10% of athletes attempting elite-tumbling are getting injured.
I bet that less than 10% of elite gymnasts are injured. I bet less than 10% of any elite pro sport have injuries like this.