Last year was our first year and we are going back this year. We go to Cheersport every year, so we are used to the largeness of these comps. That said, I do believe that NCA was larger or more spread out. I suggest getting in on Thurs or Fri morning and getting down there to get a feel for the layout. Unlike Cheersport where you can easily access all 5 arenas, the Worlds arena is not right next to the other arenas.
Last year there were some food truck vendors on what I think was the bridge access to the Omni. There were also some rooms designated to be able to go in and sit down to eat. I thought that was nice.
There were 2 shopping set-ups. So it doesn't seem too over crowded, I didn't think.
Last year, there was an Infinity pop down the block from the center. They carried a lot of merch from the Worlds teams there. So that was fun.
We didn't have a car last year and Ubered. I will be renting a car this year. It was difficult to find a car on Sat when we were ready to leave. It took us so long that my daughter missed out on a mall trip with her friends that had already gotten back to the hotel.
I'm looking forward to going this year. We looked forward to it last year but I think b/c it was our first, we were unsure of things and a little out of sorts. But we still had a good time (even if it didn't end the way we had hoped).