Do we know for a fact that the USASF have admitted that they made a mistake?
I was just about to say exactly this. Are we just assuming that this is true because one person posted here that "supposedly" this happened?
I would need to see a representative from the usasf actually say they made a mistake before I believe it. They're not exactly known for admitting when they're wrong.
However, what's actually sad is how difficult it's getting to get outraged (or really even care at all) about these things when they happen every single year. People keep complaining about the exact same problems every year - and yet they still keep going back. It's hard to see it from the same people every year, and then watch them go back the following year. It must not be *that* bad if you're going back every year.
I said the same thing about uniforms - it would take a large program to effect change. For uniforms, if a program that's ordering 1000 uniforms actually took a stand and said, "No. It's not ok that they are not here on time." and actually fought the uniform company, it would have an effect.
Same with worlds. If Sally's Allstars boycotted worlds because of overcrowding, unfair scoring, and general unorganized-ness, no one would care. If all the teams in the Champions League boycotted worlds, even the usasf would have to notice. If every team from 2nd place on in the division that Bangkok won said, "We aren't coming back. Good luck" usasf would notice.
But since no one is willing to do this, nothing will change. Complaining on here isn't going to change anything. They're still raking in the cash - why would they change anything?
(And to clarify, no, I don't think programs like CA, CEA, or Rays would lose customers if they boycotted worlds. I think they are big enough players in the game that people would believe in what they were trying to do and go along with it. I think enough people are fed up with the usasf right now that they'd get it)
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