All-Star Bangkok Winning

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does anyone know if they got deducted for the coached running up on stage after the performance?
I understand the music/routine was over by 2 seconds. I also know of a team that got a deduction of 6 points for being .3 over where the rules say deductions start at one second over. It just does not seem like deductions are being applied consistently.
Can someone tag somone on the boards who is either associated with the usasf or even rules/scoring?

This is simply not fair. How can they get away with screwing over every other team?
Do we know for a fact that the USASF have admitted that they made a mistake?

If it were me I'd rescore and re-award globes and medals, and just not tell Bankok haha. But I don't like confrontation.

Really though, you can't just admit that you made a mistake and then do nothing about it. Granted it's a very different situation, but at one of our competitions we were listening to results and it got to top 3 and we still hadn't been called (very exciting for us- only 2nd competition ever with the most experienced members on the team having cheered for little over a year), then they said that they'd made a mistake, we were in 4th, and congratulations to X team who they had announced in 4th because they were actually 3rd. I know it was only an announcement mistake and not a scoring mistake, but while we were upset that it happened, I don't think that any of us resented the fact that they switched the placings because the team who did get 3rd deserved to get it.

Summary: USASF- sort it out.
I guess I am trying to be nice. There are not many countries competing at worlds at the same level as the US. Kind of like the division 1/2 suggestion for worlds.

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They will be in time Canada got there this year and we are on our way we got our highest score ever this worlds in IOC5 being a 283 (although I accept we are just one programme from our country). It has taken some nine years of trips rough performances refining team placements growing the sport etc etc to get to this point but we wouldn't be at or anywhere near this point without the worlds competition and that end goal of pitting yourself against the best in the home of cheerleading.
They will be in time Canada got there this year and we are on our way we got our highest score ever this worlds in IOC5 being a 283 (although I accept we are just one programme from our country). It has taken some nine years of trips rough performances refining team placements growing the sport etc etc to get to this point but we wouldn't be at or anywhere near this point without the worlds competition and that end goal of pitting yourself against the best in the home of cheerleading.

Congratulations on the growth of your team!!!! I agree totally about competing against the best. I just would prefer the standards remain the same across the board for all competitors.
Congratulations on the growth of your team!!!! I agree totally about competing against the best. I just would prefer the standards remain the same across the board for all competitors.
Absolutely they should be the same. It's not really a win if you didn't get their on your skills is my personal opinion. I should also clarify they're not my team specifically I'm a coach at the programme I used our a bit too liberally as I'm so proud of their improvement!
That was pretty much the same response.

Well established and Olympic sports would rescore and make it right.

I believe in the USASF and promote it as the best governing body that is involved in any form of cheer but I don't know how this will be explained. Be careful to not make too many assumptions on what and why this happened until there is an official response.
So what is the over/under that there will be an "official response" from USASF? I appreciate your support of USASF but I continue to lose respect for them on a daily basis. The millions they made this weekend forcing people to stand in line for hours in the hot sun after paying good money for admission tickets, the joke of what they call a live feed, the scoresheet, judging system and obvious deduction oversight for certain teams, charging money for a safe practice area but allowing teams to break USASF rules by practicing on hard surface at the football field, the crossover/sandbagging allowance in the rules which allows for their EPs (via Varsity) to make more money (non worlds issue) - these are the same problems that happen year after year despite overwhelming request for change. They aren't glitches and USASF seems to value making money over legitimizing all star cheer.

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Do we know for a fact that the USASF have admitted that they made a mistake?

I was just about to say exactly this. Are we just assuming that this is true because one person posted here that "supposedly" this happened?

I would need to see a representative from the usasf actually say they made a mistake before I believe it. They're not exactly known for admitting when they're wrong.

However, what's actually sad is how difficult it's getting to get outraged (or really even care at all) about these things when they happen every single year. People keep complaining about the exact same problems every year - and yet they still keep going back. It's hard to see it from the same people every year, and then watch them go back the following year. It must not be *that* bad if you're going back every year.

I said the same thing about uniforms - it would take a large program to effect change. For uniforms, if a program that's ordering 1000 uniforms actually took a stand and said, "No. It's not ok that they are not here on time." and actually fought the uniform company, it would have an effect.

Same with worlds. If Sally's Allstars boycotted worlds because of overcrowding, unfair scoring, and general unorganized-ness, no one would care. If all the teams in the Champions League boycotted worlds, even the usasf would have to notice. If every team from 2nd place on in the division that Bangkok won said, "We aren't coming back. Good luck" usasf would notice.

But since no one is willing to do this, nothing will change. Complaining on here isn't going to change anything. They're still raking in the cash - why would they change anything?

(And to clarify, no, I don't think programs like CA, CEA, or Rays would lose customers if they boycotted worlds. I think they are big enough players in the game that people would believe in what they were trying to do and go along with it. I think enough people are fed up with the usasf right now that they'd get it)

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It would be so heartbreaking to Bangkok, but I bet you they would make sure all their routines from here on out were 100% LEGAL and they thoroughly understood all the rules so they wouldn't have to go through this again. And maybe USASF would feel so bad for breaking this team's heart that they would check over their scoring several times and rewatch videos over and over if they have to, so they never have to take back a team's World Championship and make anyone else feel like that again. I don't know..maybe. The USASF is kinda evil :rolleyes:.
The scoresheet isn't bases off of how awesome someone can save a stunt, or a "wow" favor. It's about skills, skills that Bangkok clearly does not have. They are extremely talented, and the wow factor is there, but they did not have skills on par with some of the top teams in this division.

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Girl you are tardy to the party. I already said that I know that, and have alwayssss known that. please continue to read this thread and my final response is below.
Do the international teams still compete on a scoresheet with a reduced emphasis on tumbling?

International teams (on the whole, i truly understand there are more and more exceptions) are not quite at the level of the front runners in the US. Which is fine, but year on year we are seeing massive improvements across the score sheet. Maybe it is time we went back to competing on the singular worlds score sheet and drop the 3 per country rule?

I am a non-US athlete who would much rather see a rightful winner regardless of their nationality, situations like this and the previous "tie" make people's opinions of international teams attendance at worlds worse. People are understanding that we are there to improve ourselves etc but no one can understand a pity win
It would be so heartbreaking to Bangkok, but I bet you they would make sure all their routines from here on out were 100% LEGAL and they thoroughly understood all the rules so they wouldn't have to go through this again. And maybe USASF would feel so bad for breaking this team's heart that they would check over their scoring several times and rewatch videos over and over if they have to, so they never have to take back a team's World Championship and make anyone else feel like that again. I don't know..maybe. The USASF is kinda evil :rolleyes:.[/QUOTE
It would be so heartbreaking to Bangkok, but I bet you they would make sure all their routines from here on out were 100% LEGAL and they thoroughly understood all the rules so they wouldn't have to go through this again. And maybe USASF would feel so bad for breaking this team's heart that they would check over their scoring several times and rewatch videos over and over if they have to, so they never have to take back a team's World Championship and make anyone else feel like that again. I don't know..maybe. The USASF is kinda evil :rolleyes:.
I mean, I guess the hard part is to crush the Bangkok kid's hearts by saying "Great performances this weekend! By the way, you aren't actually World Champs you got *insert real place here*. Okay cool, bye." I would HATE to be the ones to call them up and tell them. But this could have been avoided if someone didn't make a "mistake".

But really, I don't think they'll re-score. What's done is done for now it seems.

What they have done in other sports and other situations is award a 'shared' gold medal. If you recall in the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, Jamie Sale and David Pelletier were awarded silver medals. When the judging scandal was revealed, a second ceremony was performed and Sale & Pelletier received gold medals and stood on top of the podium with the Russian couple.
If the USASF actually made a mistake, I could see this being acceptable. Less heartbreak than 'you didn't deserve your medal'.

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