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New parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousin's, friends and neighbors. Please refrain from standing up in your seat while a team is performing. Move quickly in the stands between teams performing. Whatever it is that you need to get up for, can wait 2 1/2 minutes. Thank you
-Don't be a stage mom or dad
-Let the coach do the coaching
-Private lessons help a lot
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Im not parent but all I ask of the new parents out there is to try and understand what Suzie is going through. Cheerleading is in no way an easy sport physically or emotionally. There will be days when Suzie is doing amazing and wants nothing more than to brag to you about how good her handspring was. There will be a lot of "Did you see that?!" 's and "I wish you could have seen how good I was doing!!" 's. Be supportive and genuinely interested in what Suzie is saying. Then there will be days where Suzie comes home crying. Support is necessary. Be there through the good and the bads and the ups and downs. By allowing Suzie to be a cheerleader it now means you need to be her cheerleader on the sidelines!
Going from level 2 to level 3 stunts is HARD!!! Harder than you think its gloing to be. So when your cp comes home every night from practicing the first month or so on level 3, just be there and encouraging, they will get it eventually!!! Knowing this ahead of time would have saved us a LOT of stress and agony.
Remember that you are paying the gym to coach your child. If you are in a situation where your child is being belittled, put down, etc., don't put up with it. It WILL hurt your CPs self-esteem, whether you see if right away or not. Not all gyms are coached the same. Find one that truly makes your child happy.
it's a TON of work and harder than anyone would ever think cheerleading could possibly be. So work hard... but don't forget why you do it... HAVE FUN! I truly believe cheerleading offers more than any other sport out there. Take advantage of it all.
My best advice would just be this.

Next time you think you can't do it, or you won't make it through the current struggle you're facing. Remember you're still breathing. You've made it through once and you can make it through again :)

I often have to do this if I work myself up before a performance.

i know this for a FACT because my parents we're never around to support me (and it was their choice not to) so when i had those hard days i had no one to turn to.. it was tough tough "love" from my parents alot of "YOU CANT, YOU SUCK, WOU WILL NEVER BE GOOD!" so i know for the kids its important to have the parents there for them for support een if sometimes the kid might not show it!

This *exact* thing happened to me except my coaches were there for me when times were tough (in cheer or otherwise)
Now it bothers my parents than I live at the gym and turn to my coaches for advice/support/help.

Learn from their mistake (no matter what your kids do), if your not there for your kid and other people are, dont be surprised when you turn around one day and realize that your kid is all grown up and you dont know anything about them or their life. The people they tell the bad things are also the people they tell the good things and the average things.

Okay, rant over.
If your child is *ever* EVER weighed, told their too big, told to lose weight, or told to make their stomachs look better for the midriff or anything along those lines than GET THEM THE HELL OUT.

I see it happen more often than the industry likes to talk about and the sport isnt worth their self image, move. gyms.
If your child is *ever* EVER weighed, told their too big, told to lose weight, or told to make their stomachs look better for the midriff or anything along those lines than GET THEM THE HELL OUT.

I see it happen more often than the industry likes to talk about and the sport isnt worth their self image, move. gyms.
I 100% agree. NEVER let your child be at a gym where they are more about their image than their skill or personality. Nothings worse than having a negative body image. This leads to confidence issues, eating disorders, and social problems. Which can all be avoided!! Dont let your child be told they are not the right size to do what they love.
Don't get caught up in "cheer mama drama"! There is some at every gym, and always some one trying to start it. Some parents do and say crazy things when it comes to their children. Just stay far far away! Nod and smile and move on! It's what is best for you and your CP.
My mom would agree. Whenever she's waiting at the gym for me she either goes on her iphone or she talks to one of the other moms she's friends with.
Your CP will realize one day all that you sacrificed for them to be a part of this sport. It may not be until they are long out of the sport.. but they will realize it and FOREVER be grateful for you letting them find one the true loves of their life.

Thanks Mom for working every Friday and Saturday night in addition to your 9-5 during the week and thanks Dad for working overtime every possible opportunity and for coming to every competition with a clipboard and scoresheet in hand because Mom couldn't because she was working to pay for it. They will get it one day, and regret every screaming, foot stomping temper tantrum they had, promise <3.

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