All-Star Best Excuses To Miss Practice...

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something i really got on my nerves from today !! with christmas break and everything, it had been said from the start that our final practice of 2011 would be the wednesday right before christmas, but that our first practice of 2012 would be the first wednesday .... so last night (well i guess two nighst now.. forgot its after 3 am !) a girl on our team messaged our cheer BBM group, saying she was excited to see everyone.. then people started posting they didnt know that there was practice, and they were away.. one was "skiing' and one went 2 hours away... so an arguement started in the group! about how it has been said from the start that we had practice and that with our first competition coming up in only a month ... we NEED full team practices.. the girls who were away started getting so mad at the girls who were saying they needed to be there .. i understand that families go on christmas vacation, but we only had 2 athelets go away over the break, one to BC and one to flordia.. the person who went to BC will be at sundays practice, and the one who went to flordia.. drove home from flordia.. which he left at 10 am.. and didnt get back till 2pm the next day.. and then drove 3 hours from toronto straight to practice.. turns out the girl who went "skiing" actually didnt.. her mom was "sick" and "couldnt" drive her .. is it that hard to find a ride? really .. like really .. i went and got her ... but how do you not know there was practice !? its been said from the start ! argh... sorry just need to cheer vent !
so we compete this saturday and the SAME girl that I mentioned earlier that left practice for her ex boyfriends appendix... well they got back together (ugh) and she found out he cheated on her. so she "cried so hard she had an asthma attack, fell down and smacked her head off the stairs and the principal forced her to go home" She told about 4 different stories ranging from- she hit the girl who cheated, she passed out and the nurse sent her home. I was so angry I screamed at her boyfriend for ruining our practice 3 days before comp and he called me the b word and the c word. I was not a happy camper.
I had a girl on the team I used to coach and she said she had a huge test to study for and couldn't make it to practice and I said ok, that's fine cause school is important, but come to find out she was really with her boyfriend at the movies. She posted it on Facebook. So I called her cell phone to say since when is a boyfriend at the movies a huge test?? Her response....I guess I am in trouble huh.. Oh yeah. She never missed another practice after that...
the sat are once a month from October to June. I feel like there could be acceptions since certain colleges ask for Sat scores with the app for early app so you would have to take the test earlier on the year if that makes sense.
I only had one weekend to take my sat before early app ended, I got up at 5:30 took my sat which I took near the competition in a different city and then drove to compete right after and then went to practice after the competition. What a long day that was.
im not a coach but my friend told me to tell my coach some excuse because she wasnt going to practice. i of course asked why she told me she was getting her hair dont, nails done, and eye brows done because she was meeting her boyfriend later that night. which was way after practice because we had a morning practice. i told her well what do you want me to say? she said say im sick. then during practtice posted she was getting all those things done then seeing her boyfriend.. like really? dont post it
we had two sisters on our team that lived in Alabama, I'm in GA by the way, and they would never come to our practices and they told us either it was to far away and didn't want to drive (and that i can see when on a Tuesday night you leaving GA at 9:30PM to go home with school the next day) but one that pissed me off was that we cant go to your practice because we have our other gyms practice today.
umm excuse me what?! they cheered for two different gyms that were both the same level.. SMH needless to say they did not stay on our team very long
My new favorite,She can't ever come to practice that early she has to go build stuff with her dad!
I had to miss one practice the week before Christmas break, sigh. My mom went back to college when her and my dad got divorced, and she was graduating from nursing school on a Tuesday night. I think thats an okay excuse, not many mom's go back to college at age 45, and graduate the program on the Presidents List with a 4.0 :) and plus, my mom supports me every day of my life and helps support my cheer funds lol, so missing one practice to support her seemed feasible.
I have never not wanted to go to practice but this year I had to give one really lame but legitimate excuse for why I was late. I live with my grandparents, and at the time my grandmother was in hospital half an hour away & we live 45 minutes from the gym the opposite way. Since we only have one car and my grandpa went everyday to go see her, he decided on one of my practice days that he was going to stay with her longer, and THEN.. instead of just coming right home to give me the car, apparently HE ABSOLUTELY NEEDED TO GO GROCERY SHOPPING. I wanted to die for even having to utter those words. Like really? Who is almost two hours late because their grandfather was grocery shopping? Blah, the downside of living with 50+ year olds, priorities.

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