All-Star Best Excuses To Miss Practice...

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My new favorite excuse is the "I'm not hungover from that party I went to last night I just have a really bad headache and can't come to practice today." ... Girl we see your drunk partying instagram pictures. Sorry, I forgot being "white girl wasted right meow" is more important than practice. Bye.

We always joke with our coach that we are hungover, (not white girl wasted, we only have one white girl) and one day we were told that with her old team this girl CAME to practice DRUNK. Our tumbling coach and the rest of her teammates had to force her out the gym before our coach got there, and this was right after school....

Luckily the girls on my team practice sobriety during the cheer season.
I think the best excuse I ever got was a mom called me and said she couldn't bring her daughter to practice because SHE had a headache (not the daughter, THE MOM) ... Like ummmm really?!?

I don't know this family's history, but I can tell you that this summer I suffered from such dibilitating headaches for a while that if my husband was not home when I had one, CP could not have gone to practice. I was not physically capable of taking her. Mine turned out to be a brain tumor, but I'm just saying that sometimes a parent just can't do it.
Exact words "Pulled a muscle while doing the splits" the girl couldn't even go half way down into her splits:fro:
I don't know this family's history, but I can tell you that this summer I suffered from such dibilitating headaches for a while that if my husband was not home when I had one, CP could not have gone to practice. I was not physically capable of taking her. Mine turned out to be a brain tumor, but I'm just saying that sometimes a parent just can't do it.
I got lucky because we have other parents (several) in our area. So when I decided I was feeling bad enough to actually go to the doctor (monumental, I never go to the doc) at 2:15pm I thought I'd be fine. His appointment, a chest X-ray, a surgeons appointment later the surgeon says he will meet me at the hospital across the street in 30 minutes for surgery.

My response, "but my kids have practice and my husband is flying home from Vegas!?" (Translated: ain't nobody got time for that!)

Thankfully, one Facebook post later saying... "Um, HELP! Apparently my appendix has decided it and I should part need a ride to practice!!" I had no less than four moms respond in five minutes. Still not quite sure which one took them and brought them back I didn't get to come home until the next morning.
I got lucky because we have other parents (several) in our area. So when I decided I was feeling bad enough to actually go to the doctor (monumental, I never go to the doc) at 2:15pm I thought I'd be fine. His appointment, a chest X-ray, a surgeons appointment later the surgeon says he will meet me at the hospital across the street in 30 minutes for surgery.

My response, "but my kids have practice and my husband is flying home from Vegas!?" (Translated: ain't nobody got time for that!)

Thankfully, one Facebook post later saying... "Um, HELP! Apparently my appendix has decided it and I should part need a ride to practice!!" I had no less than four moms respond in five minutes. Still not quite sure which one took them and brought them back I didn't get to come home until the next morning.

Your appendix was being incredibly rude and inconvenient! lol Hope you've recovered well. Unfortunately, our gym is over an hour from our house and until very recently, no one lived anywhere near us. Now there's a girl on my CPs team that lives a little bit passed us, so it works out good for carpooling.
one girl on my team said they couldn't come to practice because they were at the fair, don't necessarily know if that's an excuse but it was rather funny how she thought she wouldn't get in trouble.
One girl told my coach she was sick. But she got busted because she posted pictures of herself at a Redskinns game on Instagram:rolleyes:
I think one time I said I had a family event but I actually had pre-screening movie tickets for The Help. But I went with my sisters, mom, cousin and two aunts so technically it was a "family event"
We have a girl who has "family dinner" about 4 times a month... at 4PM... conveniently at the mall every time. :rolleyes:
I don't think I've ever given a crazy excuse... although one time I told my coach I would be late to a game (we had to be there an hour early so it wasn't really late) because I had a dentist appointment... The appointment was at 2:15, I just wanted to get my HW done before the game. :rolleyes: it didn't even work, I didn't get much done, stayed up till 2AM and had a breakdown and was sobbing because I had so much work and like 3 tests and I had no idea how to do the precalc and the test was worth a lot of points.... :wasntme:
I'm missing a game to see Shrek: The Musical but my mom told my coach exactly what we're doing lol. No lies there!
In allstar, the only time I missed a practice was when I had surgery the same day I had practice and my mom wouldn't let me go. :(
I too slept in this year. My gym is 2.5-3 hours away and we had a 8 in the morning practice, we also competed for the first time the next day. I woke up at 750am and freaked out! I texted my coach and just told her the truth, she was not pleased. I got to practice two hours late, just in time for full outs. I felt so dumb haha.

I cant believe people think that some of these excuses are good enough to miss practice, I didnt even miss practice when I had my tonsils removed.
Really... I ruptured my Achiles Tendon, and practiced and performed in my cast!!!! This, however was in 1993, when the rules weren't as strict then.... I jumped, tumbled, stunted, danced.......well Everything I guess!!!! I was so Stupid then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:fro:
Really... I ruptured my Achiles Tendon, and practiced and performed in my cast!!!! This, however was in 1993, when the rules weren't as strict then.... I jumped, tumbled, stunted, danced.......well Everything I guess!!!! I was so Stupid then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:fro:

I competed most of last season with a blown out ankle and shattered said ankle in the first 10 seconds of my routine at worlds doing a 1 to double..... yeah still finished the routine.
Just recently I had 1 who just forget we had practice (on a day we ALWAYS have practice) and then another didn't receive a practice reminder was normal practice, we only send reminders for extra practices:confused:
-i cant come to practise tonight, sorry to let you know so late, but im going to a party tomorow and i just did my nails and the polish isnt dry yet and i dont want to need to do it over all again

-i cant come because i still got tons of schoolwork that i need to get done. at night i login on facebook. her status update: im soooo boooored!!!! and she commented on almost every picture of her friends.

-i wont make it tonight, there is alot of traffic and i wanted to see my boyfriend tonight so if traffic is still that bad after practise i wont be able to see him.

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